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Fire Pro Wrestling World


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I need this game on Switch, tbh.


I still have it on PC, but I'm never motivated to play it. And I wanted to get the NJPW version for PS4...but I guess the $40 always seemed like too much for something that I already own on PC. So, yeah...a physical card copy for Switch is what I really want. Something I can play in bed at night and actually feel motivated to pick up. Probably never happen. I just wish...

Edited by Generations
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Just got the game the other day and playing it for the first time, and the main thing i love about it is how much the AI plays like the wrestler they are, like if you're facing Zack Sabre jr you really feel like you're facing him because he's constantly locking you up in submissions and twisting a joint. Thats a thing that always feels missing from the 2K WWE games, sometimes most of the roster does these basic generic moves that you never see the actual wrestler irl doing, you never feel like you're really facing the actual wrestler.


It took me a while to learn how to play it but i've adjusted to it now, i still can't time strikes that well though, those seems to be the most difficult thing to do for me, they seem to always miss like 70% of the time.

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Just got the game the other day and playing it for the first time, and the main thing i love about it is how much the AI plays like the wrestler they are, like if you're facing Zack Sabre jr you really feel like you're facing him because he's constantly locking you up in submissions and twisting a joint. Thats a thing that always feels missing from the 2K WWE games, sometimes most of the roster does these basic generic moves that you never see the actual wrestler irl doing, you never feel like you're really facing the actual wrestler.


It took me a while to learn how to play it but i've adjusted to it now, i still can't time strikes that well though, those seems to be the most difficult thing to do for me, they seem to always miss like 70% of the time.


Welcome to Fire Pro.

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  • 1 month later...

Bought all the DLC for this because it was super cheap in the Steam sale.


Trying to get back into playing it, but I forgot how tedious everything is. Just went through and deleted every person I had, so I could organize better and start fresh. Already forgot how to move guys to different shows and stuff :lol:

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Still no sale on the Fire Pro Wrestling World DLC over in the PS Store, checked before I left for work this morning... hope it actually happens, it'll force me into playing it more (which I've been meaning to do lately).


One of my favorite wrasslin' franchises, hands down.

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How do I make space for more edits on the PS4? It seems I've reached my limit and the game says I have the option to delete edits and make space. But I never grasped how to delete singular data on the Ps4 ever since I've had it. Can anyone help?

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One of the reasons why I just stuck with PC version. I was tempted to get PS4 copy when the NJPW stuff came out...but I told myself I would regret it. Definitely better to have unlimited edits, mods, custom music, and all that jazz on PC...even though I'm not traditionally a PC guy. Not to mention, the price of everything dropped a crazy amount on Steam. Think I paid 20 bucks for the base game back when it was still in Beta. Then picked up all the NJPW DLC a few weeks ago when it was like $5 each. Yeah...can't beat that.

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  • 2 months later...

Don't have a PC or PS4 but I wish I had one again for this game. Loved the old fire pro games on ps2 and seen lots of videos on this and it interests me a whole lot. I am mixed about the same SNES art style, graphics and models but gameplay looks fun with an amazing creation suite.


I especially wish I had this as WWE 2K20 seems to be a major disapointment and so an alternate wrestling game fix would be very nice and this is the latest there is

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  • 6 months later...

I've been playing the story mode some and was wondering if anyone has any tips on making tag matches less of a frustrating drag? Its just as bad as 2K when it comes to opponents constantly jumping in to interrupt pins, to the point where every tag match is ending in DQ because of how often they do it and i'm finding it less than fun to play because of it.

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Funny, but I was wondering the same thing myself after diving back into that mode recently.

Hoping someone out there has an answer...

EDIT: Also plan to pick up a PSN card on the way home, so I can download the "Fire Promoter" DLC before it stops being 60% off on May 8th. Sounds interesting as hell after a little sleuthing on the subject after work yesterday...

Edited by NegativeCreep
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