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Yet again, people have been saying all of this for years. This isn't the NBA game. MyFaction didn't kill the series like the doomers insisted it would, so I'll believe the Island will when I see it.
You’re unwilling to look at the decline of NBA 2K and that’s fine, but just look at how they’ve marketed this game as a “breakthrough year”, the only thing that qualifies for that is The Island, this is the focus, this is the future. This is the first thing they’ve generationally gatekeeped. 2K25 will likely be fine - even if new CAW parts, paybacks, etc are paywalled behind the Island, even if community creations is split or otherwise compromised - the bones of what makes these games great is still there, but I struggle to not look at the gradual move to the same hell as NBA 2K and think it’s fine. 2K26, 2K27 or maybe 2K28 might be the game where the bow breaks but it’s coming, probably sooner rather than later.
- The Island's single-player story spans 5 Chapters. Chapter 1 will be available at launch, with 4 additional Chapters coming post-launch at no additional cost.
yeah micro transactions need to go. just give me a game that’s worth the $120 price tag and i’ll be happy. after hearing how nba fans hate it, I know that’ll probably be my LEAST liked feature of the mode especially if we have to pay for shit that’s should just already be in the game or glorified myrise stuff. it’s a wrestling game i don’t need to buy jordans lmao if they’re gonna go this route atleast give us superstars, themes, old attires or even new attires/gimmicks for outdated superstars that debuted close to roster cut off time and couldn’t make base. I hope they do go that route because atleast it’ll be somewhat justified
- Today
Right, but people have been screaming about microtransactions overrunning the game for a lot longer than 3 years. I'm still waiting for it to "grow and grow". Again, people have been dooming about this forever. "You'll see!" "It's all downhill from here!" "Just wait until next year!" I'll react to the game being ruined by microtransactions when it happens. So far, it's been minimal at the most. Looking at what's actually confirmed, parts for your MyPlayer need to be they always have. There are some parts that can only be unlocked via the Island in order to be used elsewhere in the game. We do not know what parts they are. I expect them to be the branded parts, like the Nike and Jordan stuff...that probably wouldn't be in the game if not for the Island. I highly doubt they're suddenly going to lock half the creation suite behind microtransactions.
Are we counting 19 because didn't they have lootboxes in them? I do think some of the posts are doom and gloom tho, yeah it's possible this stuff could get worse but until then why freak out about it? Voice your opinion and if you feel it's getting out of hand don't buy it or just get last gen since none of this will be on there.
i forgot about the mystery superstar lmao i’m actually kinda scared it might be him maybe we might get his hardcore belt too
Ok well microtransactions have only been in the series for three game, 2K25 will be the fourth, so half of that time is irrelevant. Just because something hasn't happened yet, or just because it isn't as bad as potentially it can get yet, isn't evidence or proof that isn't going to happen. There is also direct comparison to be made to the NBA 2K which is a much worse game today than it was before the microtransactions, and also removes any benefit of the doubt that 2K have noble intentions with where they want to take the series. It's been more gradual with WWE because it's frankly not as popular as NBA, but it's happening. Be optimistic all you like, the grind and the microtransactions are here and they're only going to grow and grow.
Again, people have been saying that for a decade. It still hasn't happened.
It doesn't have to kill the series, it's just making it worse, potentially much worse and much more expensive. It's a gradual thing, MyFaction will be looked back upon as the first steps into what will be an unrecognisable series in a few iterations time if the Island is a success.
A lot of the doom and paranoia surrounding The Island sounds a lot like the doom and paranoia surrounding MyFaction when that first debuted. That didn't amount to nearly as much as people convinced themselves it would. People have been screaming and yelling about microtransactions "killing the series" for a decade. It'll be fine.
We know we're in uncharted territory as well because the Wrestlemania 41 pack includes specifically two Wrestlemania main eventer persona cards (presumably attires of two of the main eventers from the show) and a NEW playable superstar. Now we can only speculate who that will be, maybe Penta, maybe not, but I think we can assume it's someone not in the game already, someone not included in the other DLC packs and probably someone who has something to do with Wrestlemania 41. I'm a pessimist in nature so my first instinct was Travis Scott because he's all over WWE at the moment and he's doing the Wrestlemania 41 song... but if it's an actual wrestler than it's got to be Penta, right? The other thing about this pack is that it's the one pack we know for a fact they haven't started working on yet because the Wrestlemania arena and attires won't be known until April.
After last year, I think pretty much anybody is possible and any late additions to the roster will be handled in the later packs. I’m not saying were might get Ricky Starks I feel like anybody who appeared before the rumble is fair game. I have a heavy feeling that iShowSpeed might be DLC this year with a couple other celebs lol but we’ll see. Right now I just want more women
Is Petey still with WWE? I’m actually surprised they haven’t added any agents/producers (Him, Fit, Kenny, Daivari, Noble etc.) as some MyRise unlockables or DLC. Especially Noble since he was apart of showcase last year. Petey and a new destroyer would be awesome. I’d pay hella money *knocks on wood* just to have the Hardys in the game again and some real TNA representation. With some luck they might even add some TNA personas for people like AJ Styles or even Roode if he’s not cut.
I can't see a TNA pack this year. The deal is really new. Everything before the deal was announced, seems like it was a handshake deal. If there was a TNA pack, I could see a Jordynne Grace and old school versions of TNA guys in WWE now. And then they'd probably use WWE themes. Imagine if they gave us Petey Williams and Abyss though?! There again if it's been green lit by both companies it could be a bit of an independent thing like the Pat McAfee pack.
Could wwe2k24 be the last "great" game when it comes to realistic caws? I hope not, but fear it is....
Four of those new paybacks - Ref Bump, Adrenaline Rush, Powder and Bully - have the Island unlock icon. So grind or pay for them! and lets see if PC, PS4 and Xbox One players get them at all.
I truly don't see how The Island is a good thing, its just another money pit for 2K, charging way too much for items that aren't worth it, $8 $10 $15 etc for generic clothing items with a superstars logo on them, just looks like highway robbery. Everyone who plays NBA 2K says the Island is the same as a mode in that game and they hate it. Its already took PC Mods from us, so no more updated models, no new hair styles, facial hair, tattoos etc for ingame wrestlers anymore, no more hidden themes or de-aged models. That added alot of re-playability for alot of people. I see it likely depriving us of something else as well that we don't even know yet, Gamevolt was even saying he's kinda worried they'd take the Image Uploader away so you can't recreate the items sold on The Island.
Found on reddit I'm starting to think we'll ge ta "new" create a wrestler mode this year - 2k's been awefully radio silent on this important mode and THAT seldom a good sign...
Taken care of, ty. Sucks how rampant the bot issue is on this forum
I was as negative on the Island as anyone, but I'm giving it a chance. From what I've seen, it'll either be a big nothing or something interesting for the people who choose to dig into it. That said, I'll probably only mess with the lucha/alumni district. The rest is too 2K Originals (in a bad way) for me.
this. lol i’m willing and a little excited to try the mode out because it MAY be fun but unless they fix the servers all of it is pointless. but then again maybe they didn’t care about fixing the servers last game so they can impress us with this idk. fingers crossed for working servers and status exclusives!
I don't think they'll ever do a women's/"divas" pack, because I think they'll always work one or two women into each pack if they can. I think absolute lower level talent will never draw as a pack. Those people get worked into packs with draws. You're more likely to get an obscure ECW wrestler if they can package them with Sabu as an "ECW" pack or the Hardys as an "extreme" pack. Somebody needs to sell each pack, because they still sell them individually. I personally am more into TNA versions of AJ Styles or adding Petey Williams than I am into Joe Hendry or any of the current TNA wrestlers. I think there's potential for the games coming out of the WWE/TNA agreement, but I don't think WWE promoting TNA is the direction. If anything, a "TNA invasion" should have been something they went all in on across the game if that was the direction. The DLC is incredibly interesting this year. I feel like they could be digging DEEP on alumni.