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Foldys showcase. UPDATED


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Jin "the dragon" Matsuda




Maddog Viktor oxley



Xander king



Jay supreme






"the vampire" Erik Fiend




Wwe 2k15 caw erik fiend:




Drake dark



Jun lee



Maximus (the fallen)



Mr. Amazing (career caw)


Finally got 1 caw finished! The servers haven't been kind this week lol.


This is Spartan!



Finally managed to finish a couple of caw's! Not had much time with these between work and the really bad servers!


First up, Franco Falcone.

loud, proud Italian wiseguy!



And one of my favourites, from deep in the jungle,

This is Otaku! AKA "the corpse general"



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  • 3 weeks later...

Maximus is part of a tag team I'm in the process of putting together called the fallen, kind of how I wanted the ascension to be, but they wernt! Lol. Still working on his tag partner, the Reaper! Will post when it's finished.

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The left arm tat is actually Wade Barretts, and the right arm is randy Orton, I just blended the chest tat to seem like it's all one piece, quick tip for custom tats is to edit the transparency in photoshop or a similar program before u add it to the game. I got the chest tat of Google images, I'll find it again an upload it here when I've edited it.

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The left arm tat is actually Wade Barretts, and the right arm is randy Orton, I just blended the chest tat to seem like it's all one piece, quick tip for custom tats is to edit the transparency in photoshop or a similar program before u add it to the game. I got the chest tat of Google images, I'll find it again an upload it here when I've edited it.

Nice :D thanks :) and what is that on his ribs? is it another tattoo? :) let me know when it's up and the search tags :)

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The one on the ribs is a no go sorry lol. It got me banned from the game, a cartoon tattoo, no actual nudity but deemed inappropriate! Took weeks to get my access back, after I pointed out there were real pics of divas uploaded wearing far less! Won't be able to upload the chest tat to the game till later tonight, but I can post it here for u to add urself if u like?

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The one on the ribs is a no go sorry lol. It got me banned from the game, a cartoon tattoo, no actual nudity but deemed inappropriate! Took weeks to get my access back, after I pointed out there were real pics of divas uploaded wearing far less! Won't be able to upload the chest tat to the game till later tonight, but I can post it here for u to add urself if u like?

That'll be great thanks :) and can i also ask where i might be able to find designs for attires? i'm not so good at making attires :P

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I tend to look for abstract wallpapers on Google, see a pattern I like and mess about with it in photoshop till I think it's ready. But u can do it with any image really, but if u want an image say across both legs, it's better u split the image down the middle and unload both, ifs the closest way of avoiding the blur!

Here's the original chest tat



And here's the edit ready for the game, just play about with skin tone and transparency till ur happy



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I tend to look for abstract wallpapers on Google, see a pattern I like and mess about with it in photoshop till I think it's ready. But u can do it with any image really, but if u want an image say across both legs, it's better u split the image down the middle and unload both, ifs the closest way of avoiding the blur!

Here's the original chest tat



And here's the edit ready for the game, just play about with skin tone and transparency till ur happy



Ok thanks :D so i just do the transparency and skin tone in game? :)

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Yea in game, can't really tell, but I have already added a little transparency with photoshop so it helps in game

Ok thanks man :) if you want to i can send you a picture of the caw when he is done :) i haven't started on him yet because i'm going to buy some DLC packs to get some more clothing, moves and entrances :) so when i start on him i can send you pictures underways so you can see how he will turn out and maybe you can help me on some attire ideas ^^

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Not a problem mate, when I see the direction ur going with ur caw, I'll be glad to offer suggestions for u. ;)

Nice :D thanks man really appreciate it :) but i don't know when i'm going to start with him yet because as i said i'm going to buy some DLC packs so when i get money i will buy that and then i'm going to start making him :)

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Hey i just have another question for you my friend :) i was watching some videos of Prince Devitt (Finn Balor) and i got this great idea for a caw (after the caw i have been talking to you about is finished) and i want his gimmick to be a "comic book nerd" so i was thinking of making some face and half or full body paint but i don't know where i can find some examples so i was just wondering if you knew of some places i could look? :)

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Hey i just have another question for you my friend :) i was watching some videos of Prince Devitt (Finn Balor) and i got this great idea for a caw (after the caw i have been talking to you about is finished) and i want his gimmick to be a "comic book nerd" so i was thinking of making some face and half or full body paint but i don't know where i can find some examples so i was just wondering if you knew of some places i could look? :)

So u want the paint to make ur caw look like a nerd? Or do u want the face to look like a nerd lol?

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