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Colt Cabana by CaptainCAWisma from his Misc. Save V2


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Name Colt Cabana
Hud Colt
Nickname Classic
Placement Prefix
Announcer Introduction Colin
Hometown Chicago, Ill.
Weight Light Heavyweight 233 lbs.
Match Tactic Clean
Show Smackdown!
Voice 1
Match Specialty None

Head and Face Morphing

Head 30,38,0
Forehead 0,88,0,0

Eyebrows -100,100,-63,-100
Eyes -16,0,-19,-5,23,0,-49
Nose 54,100,51,0,29,-76,61,0
Cheeks -6,23,0,0
Mouth -37,-4,-100,-64,30,19,-44
Jaw 46,-5,-53,-77,-6,15
Ears 19,-59,-33,-21
Skin Aging 0

Body Type 7

Advanced Options

Neck -28,28,22
Chest 0,2,5
Shoulder 0,15,0
Abdomen 0,37,28
Waist 29,33
Arms 0,4,17
Hands 0,0,0
Legs 0,21,16
Feet 0,0,0

Body Height 6 Ft. 1 In.


1.Body Skin (2) 92,0,0
2.Face Skin Tones (11)
3.Eyes (2) 100,-28,-20
4.Eyebrows (13) 89,-7,0
5.Eyelids Hacked: Wrist Bands (1) -13,-100,1,10
6.Lips (42) 96,-4,0
7.Teeth (1) 96,0,0
8.Hair (1) -100,-8,-4
9.Bodyhair Hacked: Socks (1) -13,-77,-78,70
10.Underwear Hacked: Shoes (1)
11.Sideburns (12) 89,-16,-17,100
12.Other Facial Hair (1) 90,0,-6,10
13.Other Headwear (22) -100,47,3 (Uncheck Match in Display Set-Up)
14.Costume (11) -100,3,15,100
15.Tights (1) 83,-29,24,100,6
16.Costume (15) -100,-100,-73,100
17.Make Up (61) 92,0,0,38
18.Costume (15) 82,-28,38,100
19. and 20. are placed side by side on the front of his costume, centered an inch over his waistline. Both are Design (103) Rotate Once 3rd Hor. 3rd Ver. Make Red on the Black Half of the costume and Black on the Yellow Half of the costume.
21. and 22. Repeat the Last 2 Layers on the back of the costume an inch over his waistline.
23. - 28. will spell CABANA centered straight across Layers 19 and 20. All are Alphabet Page 1. 2nd Hor. 3rd Ver. C,A,B are 83,-29,15,100 A,N,A are -100,0,10,100.
29.Elbow Pads (Right Arm Only) (2) -100,-3,8,100
30. and 31. are placed side by side centered on Layers 21 and 22. Both are WWE (1) 3rd Hor. Largest Ver. Rotate Twice on the Red Design Only. 84,65,0,100 (on the Red Design) 100,80,0,100 (on the Black Design).
32.Design (97) Largest Hor. Smallest Ver. Place centered between the bottom half of both his pecs, with the bottom of the design touching an inch of the red costume there. 90,-46,49,100

A1 Fighting Style
1.Grapple 2.Ground
Signs are your choice
Moves Clever, Whips and Dives less, Taunts Often

Train Wreck, Clothesline From Hell

Easy Creation Entrance
Motion, Movie and Music all Dude Love
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I think this is how it's done, I could be wrong so don't get mad if I am. You give him an elbow pad or knee pad let or right only, than hack in a costume. I'm not completely sure buI think that's how it's done.

Thanks for typing him up I was waiting for this version of him.
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I was thinking about it and I think yu have to do the half tights trick than hack a costume on that layer. That's the only way to change the length of the costume I think. We need the Captain to tell us what length the tights should be if I'm right.
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