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Jacob Cass
Move by PeppyHawk 186

Date added: 2nd July 2012
Standard Actions:
Ring-In /Out: Normal Ring in 1, Slide Ring Out
Apron Ring-In /Out: Normal Ring in 1, Normal Ring Out 2
Apron Ringside-In / Out: Normal on the Apron 1, Normal Apron Out 2
Taunts: Fighting Spirit, Boxer 2, Raise Arm 3, Hold Up 1
Strike Attacks: People’s Punch 1, Gut Kick 1, Gut Kick 2, Low Kick 2, Dropkick 1, Boxing Hook 1
Strike Combination: Body Punch Reverse, Low Kick 2, Dropkick 1
Strong Strikes: Clothesline 2, Enzuigiri 2
Kick Reversal: Elbow Reversal, Dragon Screw Reversal, Single Leg Boston Crab, Armbar 3, Mule Kick Reversal 1
Chain Grapple:
Front Facelock: Elbow Smash 1, Anaconda Vise 1, Jawbreaker 2, Fireman’s Carry 1, Suplex 1, Scoop Slam 3
Side Headlock: Punch To Head 1, Armbar 3, Leg Sweep 1, Side Headlock Takedown, Hip Toss 1, Arm Drag
Wrist Lock: Elbow Smash 2, Armbar 3, Spinning Roundhouse Kick, Arm Drag 2,
Leg Sweep 2, Arm Wringer Flip 1
Waist Lock: Dropkick 3, Full Nelson, DDT 10, Shin Breaker, Belly To Back, Throwback
Groggy Grapple:
Groggy Grapple: Back Wheel Trip, Running Dropkick, Super Kick 2, Butterfly DDT 1
Groggy Grapple From Behind: Hurricanrana DDT, Standing Sea Fire, Back Suplex 2, Backbreaker Drop 7
Breaking Point Submissions: Armbar 3, Full Nelson
Strike Attacks: Wrestling Hero Stomp, Elbow Drop 2
Grapple Moves Facing Up: Elevated Knee Drop, Big Elbow Drop, Low Dropkick
Grapple Moves Facing Down: Low Dropkick 1, Elbow Drop 11, Knee Slam
Submission Grapple: Dragon Sleeper, Camel Clutch 2, Single Leg Boston Crab
Strike Attacks:
Corner Groggy: Punch To Head 3, Forearm Smash 2, Turnbuckle Dropkick 1, Jumping Knee 3, Stomping 3, Dropkick To Groin
Top Rope: Ezuigiri 4, Dropkick 5, Springboard Ezuigiri
Tree Of Woe: Kick To Gut, Dropkick 6
Grapple Move: Tornado DDT, Diving Down Dropkick
Grapples From Behind: Corner Bulldog, Lucha DDT
Top Rope Grapple: Frankensteiner 3
Top Rope Grapple Behind: Back Superplex
Seated Corner Grapple: Turnbuckle Dropkick 3
Tree Of Woe Grapple: Stomping 2
Corner Springboard: Corkscrew Senton
Running Top Rope Grapple: Rope Grip High Kick
Groggy Against Ropes: Rope Stretch Surfboard
Springboard Attacks: Moonsault Attack 1
Outside Springboard Attacks: Springboard Dropkick 2
Out Of Ring Dive Attack: Rope Flip 2
Running Springboard: Springboard Body Splash 1
Strike Attacks: Right Jab, Axe Handle To Ringside, Apron Clothesline 2
Springboard Attacks: Springboard Elbow 2, Moonsault Attack 3
Grapple: Hotshot 1, Apron Hip Toss, Apron Shoulder Block, Cut Down, Pull Down 2
Ground: Apron Elbow Drop, Apron Elbow Attack
Running: Apron Clothesline 1, Running Knee Strike 2
Diving Attack Vs Standing Opp: Diving Kick, Diving Hurricanrana
Diving Attack Vs Downed Opp: Diving Foot Stomp 1, Diving Moonsault 2
Running Strikes: Flying Forearm Smash
Grapple: DDT 13, Jumping Snapmare
Grapple From Behind: Frankensteiner 2, One-Handed Bulldog 2
Ground Strikes: Elbow Drop
Irish Whip Rebound: Clothesline 5, Arm Drag, Hip Toss 6, Knee Lift Reversal, Ducking
Pull-Back Attacks: Pull-Back Middle Kick, Pull-Back Hurricanrana
Tag Team
Standing Tag Team: Double Gut Buster, Double Kick Combination, Double Gut Buster, Double Enzuigiri
Corner Tag Team: Drop Toe & Elbow Drop, Aided Cross Body, Drop Toe & Elbow Drop, Aided Cross Body
Special Moves
Signatures: Diving Moonsault 1, Crucifix
Finishers: Brain Buster, Super Kick 2
Royal Rumble
Quick Grapple: Elbow Smash, High Kick, Spinning Heel Kick, Backhand Chop
Finishers: Hurricanrana, Sweet Chin Music, Dropkick, Sweet Chin Music
Strike Attack: European Uppercut, Power Punch
Grapple: Elbow Smash, Pushing Down Side
Finishers: Suplex
Cell: Pushing: Down, Suplex
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