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Bob Orton, Jr.
CAW by Captain America Jr

Date added: 29th July 2009
Viewed: 17482 times
Rating: 4.7/10 (65 votes)

Template 7
Skintone 10 (92,2,-3,3)
eye type 2(-4,0,-11)
eye brows 20 (88,0,15)
eye lash 15(default color)
lips 2(99,0,5)
hair 108(92,4,-29)
Face Morph:
Brow -10,100,-20,3
eyes -95,0,5,15,40,25,-15
nose 70,-60,-60,10,-30,-4,0,-1
cheeks -45,-55,50,45
mouth 5,10,-8,-30,-47,-45,-11
jaw -20,15,20,-5,-10,60
ears 9,0,8,11

Head morph: 17,5,5 forehead: 29,65,-20,-20

Body Morph:
Type 9
neck -17,7,9
chest -11,7,19
shoulders -25,20,5
abs 5,21,20
waist 7,12
arms 6,7,9
hands 8,5,5
legs 8,9,12
feet 2,7,4
Skin age 37
underwear 28 (37,58,25)
30 (34,24,3)
kneepads 15 (-13,-100,-60,100)
socks 23 (100,0,0)
boots 53 ( color 1: -28,-100,-5,color 2: 100,0,0 )
Arms/wrist(right arm) 23: 76,-100,-10
Arm accessories(left arm) 18: -56,-100,25

Entrance attire:
Hat 9(round brim option) -13,-100,-66
Jacket 57 100,0,0
Orton's Face- may seem like alot but because I had an abundance of layers...
Do in order for correct shading and light

Marks/scars 16 (-90,0,7,65)
face paint 70 (-91,33,70,45)
marks/scars 20 (90,0,7,65)
makeup 28 (-97,-22,14,71)
makeup 27 (93,-33,20,80)
marks/scars 1 (91,-34,-13,90)
marks/scars 19 (92,-23,-7,100)
makeup 5 (-92,-2,-65,100)
makeup 18 (92,-37,30,100)
makeup 13 (93,-8,10,75)
makeup 1 (89,5,11,80)
sign " ) " (91,-24,-33,25) under the eye
sign (91,-24,-33,25) under the eye
sign (91,-43,-33,36) on the eye lid
sign (91,-43,-33,36) on the eye lid
Face paint 63 (92,0,30,8)
Makeup 24 (-29,-11,-4,60)
Alphabet "I" page one (89,-40,-25,40)

6'1 242 lbs
Kansas City Kansas
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