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The Hulk
CAW by VivekPremGamers

Date added: 12th March 2012
Name hulk
Move Set: andre
Finisher:jumping headbutt
Entrance: Your Pick
Nickname: Your Pick
Height: 2.23m

face type - 4
head shape- 55 50 0 45
skull - 0 50 50 50 50 50
cheek - default
ear default
brow default
eye default
nose 50 50 99 50 50 75 50 50 31
mouth 50 50 50 99 83 0 50
jaw 50 50 65 65 50

eye color - 0 9 6
eyebrows 24 - 0 7 8
hair style 9 - 0 1 10
skin 1 - 7 9 5
dfinition 11

overall scale 99
chest 60 50 65
should 50 50 0
abd 15 30 50
waist 30 40
arms 60 60
hands 90
legs 60 99
feet 99

tights 17 - 3 16 7 both
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