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Jaki Numazawa
CAW by Storm of Sand

Date added: 7th October 2013
Viewed: 14359 times
Rating: nan/10 (0 votes)


Template 10
Skin Tone 8: 13, 95, 182, 10
Age: 10
Hair(Option 1/long)53: 1st 25,150,58/last 3 25, 152, 86 (Option 2)9: 25, 147, 61
Designs(for skin tone covering hair)107/135: 14,135,210,(17 only on design 135)
Eyebrows 21: 17,122,65
Teeth 9
Head: -3,22, 8
Cranium: -3, -45,0, -15
Forehead: -10,-100,-38,0
Eyebrows: 88,-37,62,71
Eyes: -15,-47,-14,-28,-20,31,-20
Nose:10, 84, 28, -8, 3, 6, 30, 4
Cheeks: 61, 50, -3, 0
Mouth: -23, -5, -15, 0,-61, -45, -22
Jaw: 13, 10, 18, -4, 61, 40
Ears: -13, 17, -2, -18
Height: 5’8” 207lbs
Size: 9
Neck: -100, 2, 6
Chest: -46, -8, 26, -24
Traps: -52, -8, -12
Shoulders: -59, 0, -30
Abs: -36, 57, 43
Waist: 66, 23
Arms: -36
Biceps: -3, -10
Forearms: -3, -10
Hands: -5, -3, 0
Legs: -32
Thighs: -3, 7
Calves: -3, 0
Scars 5: 10, 102, 223

Attire 1
Facial Hair/Goatee 16 (19 for current era): 19, 120, 98
Goatee 15: 26, 149, 60
Goatee 13: 26, 145, 35
Sideburns 16: 19, 120, 98
Left Ear Piercing 4: 20, 141, 136
Trunks/Underwear 16: 0,255,150
Hands 19: default
Wrestling Tights 4: 0, 255, 30
Bottoms 15: 0, 255, 35
Knee Pads 5: 0, 255, 40
Boots & Kickpads(No Kickpads) 4: Both 0, 255, 40
Belt 7: 1st colour: 15, 125, 118
2nd colour: 0, 255, 200
Elbow Pads 2: 0, 255, 40
Logos to open up elbow pads 105: 14, 135, 210
Body Accessories 35/Pattern 12: 0, 255, 55
Entrance Jacket 18: 0, 255, 255

Attire 2(White Attire)
Hair colour(option 1): 25, 148, 78
All others 25, 152, 116
Facial Hair/Goatee 16 (19 for current era): 19, 120, 98
Goatee 15: 26, 149, 60
Goatee 13: 26, 145, 35
Sideburns 16: 19, 120, 98
Piercing/Left Ear 4: 20, 241, 136
Trunks/Underwear 16: 0,255,150
Hands 19: default
Wrestling Tights 4: 0, 255, 30
Arms & Wrists 23: 0, 255, 255 Length: 0
Bottoms 14: 0, 255, 200
Knee Pads 5: 0, 255, 40
Boots & Kickpads(No Kickpads) 4: Both 0, 255, 40
Belt 18: 1st colour: 21, 230, 255
2nd colour: 17, 224, 41
Elbow Pads 2: 0, 255, 40
Logos to open up elbow pads 105: 14, 135, 210
Body Accessories 35/Pattern 12: 0, 255, 55
Entrance Jacket 26: 0, 255, 200

Attire 4(Short Hair & Beard)
Goatee 15: 20, 118, 78
Goatee 13: 19, 120,117
Sideburns 16: 19, 119, 131
Combos 15: 19, 119,131
Moustache 11: 19, 119, 131
Left Ear Piercing 4: 14, 240, 50
Arms & Wrists 12: 0, 255, 40
Hands 10: Both 0, 255, 40
Arms & Wrists 25: 0, 255, 40 Length: 5
Socks 3: 0, 255, 30 Length: 63
Bottoms 14: 0, 255, 200
Knee Pads 5: 0, 255, 40
Boots & Kickpads(No Kickpads) 4: Both 0, 255, 40
Belt 18: 1st colour: 0, 255, 255
2nd colour: 22, 195, 114
Elbow Pads 1: 0, 255, 40
Logos to open up elbow pads 107: 14, 135, 210
Body Accessories 35/Pattern 13: 1st colour: 0, 255, 50
2nd colour: 0, 255, 110
Hat 20: 0, 255, 30
Entrance Jacket 18: 0, 255, 255
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