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Gregory Satin
CAW by Brent Porter

Date added: 19th December 2012
Viewed: 4912 times
Rating: 7.3/10 (3 votes)

Hair: 55/71
Color: 95,-55,-3
Trunks/Underwear: 1/9
Face Paint: 24/89
Color: 100,-76,-27,100
Face Paint: 25/89
Color: 95,-75,-27,100
Tattoos: Torso: 25/26 Color: -18,-100,-23,100
Tattoos: Back: Upper Body: 2/24 Color:-18,-100,-23,100
Arms/Wrists (Left): 15/21
Color: -100,-100,-70,100
Elbow Pads (Left): 2/10
Color: -100,-100,-64,100
Arms/Wrists (Right): 1/21
Color: -100,-100,-74,100,100
WWE Design: 35/54
Size: As Big As Possible
Color: Yellow
Wrestling tights: 1/17
Color: -100,-100,-70,100,100
Tight Designs: 52/159
Size: As Big As Possible
Color: Yellow
Socks: 7/21
Boots/Shoes: 1/37
Color: -100,-100,-4
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