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Santa Claus
CAW by The Animal

Date added: 12th January 2013
Hair Shade:0 X-Axis:42
43/71 Mouth Depth:13
Color: X:4 Y:76 Lips:13/17 Angle:-17
Shade :-6 Color:X:-98 Y:5
Hair Scale:30 Shade:0 Head Teeth:1
Height:7 Color X:87 Y:0
Width:22 Shade:0
Depth:17 Skin
Head Texture Color:8/12
Height:7 Color:X:89 Y:0
Width:22 Shade:-4
Depth:17 Age:61
Forehead Eyebrows
Size:-25 Y-Axis:-100
Height:-52 Thickness:-75
Width:-40 Depth:19
Depth:2 Angle:-32
Face Eyes
Eyes Size:26
Type:1/9 Height:-35
Style:1 Width:22
Color:X:10 Y:0 Y-Axis:-2
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