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Bobby Roode
CAW by wweuniverse4787

Date added: 15th September 2012
Texture & Color: 1/12, Color: Default, Shine: -35
Age: 34
Marks & Scars: Default

Hair: 51/82. X: 14, Y:78, Shade: 36
Length: 0

Eyes: Default
Teeth: Default
Shape: Default

Facial Hair:
Combinations: 25/25, X: 34, Y: 14, Shade 37


Height: 6'0'
Size: Default

Neck: Default
Chest:3, -8, 0, 0
Traps: -46, 0, 0
Shoulders: 21, 10, 0
Abdomen: 34, 9, 0
Waist: 27, 0
Arms: -13
Biceps: -8, 0
Forearms: -4, 0
Hands: Default
Legs: 3
Thighs: -10, 0
Calves: -7. 0
Feet: Default

That's the formula I used to create Robert/Bobby Roode. For his attire you can do many choices, Beer Money, The BR one, IT Factor Attire, all you need to do is create the logo in the paint tool. I did the BR one, I did the writing and then I just used the rectangle tool for the lines.

If you wish to download this on Xbox Live search my username. WiLiAm98. I have other caws on there such as Shelton Benjamin, Velvet Sky and Madison Rayne.
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