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AJ Styles
CAW by CretemanHard

Date added: 12th March 2012
skin age 27
hair 16 x:17 y:360 shade 40
head morphing
head 4,-5,-23
cranium 0,-48,-57,-37
eyebrows -100,-100,37,-54
eyes 0,-74,-6,-33,-26,-23,-24
nose -37,-38,35,-24,-27,-37,2
cheeks 33,-77,-41,28
mouth 53,-62,3,-40,-58,-71,-28
jaw -49,-34,-40,-62,69,35
ears 28,36,34,-8
body morphing
size 1
neck -28,36,-2
chest -48,-8,5,-38
traps - 11,-3,6
shoulders -11,-3,6
abdomen 23,15,9
waist 10,5
arms -7,-7,-39,6,8
hands -5,3,3
legs -5,7,8,-3,-8
feet 0,0,0
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