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Lloyd Christmas
CAW by JohnShel91

Date added: 25th July 2012
Original - Normal

Template - 3
- Texture - 1, Shade: -35
- Age - 32
Hair: Superstar - 23 (X: 14 - Y: 132 - S: 72)
- Eyes:
- Type - 1-1 (X: 13 - Y: 81 - S: 101)
- Eyelashes - 15
- Eyebrows - 1 (X: 15 - Y: 130 - S: 69)
- Teeth - 8 (X: 21 - Y: 241 - S: 180)
- Shape:
- Head - 10/11/7
- Cranium - 6/-60/-30/-20
- Eyebrows - -86/100/100/-90
- Eyes - 24/-22/50/-71/50/-20/-26
- Nose - -89/-78/-61/-1/-45/69/50/18
- Cheeks - -28/-38/-34/-26
- Mouth - 8/-51/12/-35/-10/-30/17
- Jaw - -26/-2/10/-30/46/54
- Ears - 0/0/0/0

Height - 187cm
Size - 2
- Shape:
- Neck - -16/-35/-5
- Chest - 0/-15/-10/0
- Traps - -20/0/0
- Shoulders - -28/-3/-15
- Abdomen - -8/-9/-15
- Waist - -33/-15
- Arms:
- Arms - -7
- Biceps - -38/-17
- Forearms - -32/-22
- Hands - -5/-5/-5
- Legs:
- Legs - 0
- Thighs - -21/-24
- Calves - -9/-9
- Feet - 15/0/20

Ring Attire:
Tops - 5-3-1 (X: 0 - Y: 76 - S: 180)
Jackets - 8 (X: 24 - Y: 174 - S: 125)
(X: 24 - Y: 174 - S: 125)
Bottoms - 22-3 (1 - X: 25 - Y: 200 - S: 55)
(2 - X: 0 - Y: 255 - S: 200)
Socks - 3 (X: 0 - Y: 255 - S: 20)
Shoes - 33 (1 - X: 0 - Y: 255 - S: 104)
(2 - X: 0 - Y: 255 - S: 208)

Entrance Attire:
Copy Ring Attire
Gloves - 1 (X: 0 - Y: 255 - S: 103)

Cinematic Attire:
Copy Ring Attire
Edit Tops - 5-3-1 (X: 175 - Y: 235 - S: 100)

Crowd Signs
- 03, 1st Row, Middle
- 03, 1st Row, Outside Right
- 04, 2nd Row, Outside Left
- 04, 2nd Row, Inside Right
Menu Screen Pose - 13
Abilities - Springboard Dives, Durability, Resiliency, Outside Dives, Hammer Throw
Attributes: 80/80/80/80/90/85/95

Name: Lloyd Christmas
Abbreviated Name: Lloyd
Audio Name: Lee
Crowd Reaction: Cheer
Hometown: Providence, Rhode Island
Show: Raw
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