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CAW by Nexus619

Date added: 24th April 2012
Começe com o Template 1!


Hair: 3
Head: (-18),42,68
Forehead: -100,-100,-100,-100
Eye: Type 5 com values 50,100,-19,50,54,-71,100 Green Color(Cor Verde)
Eyebrows: Type 20 com values 70,-60,-80,30
Eyelashes: Type 1
Lips e Teeth: Type 1

*Face Shaping:

Mouth: 100,100,-100,-100,100,100,100
Nose: 57,-100,92,-100,7,-3,22,-100
Cheeks: 11,100,100,100
Jaw: 100,100,96,-56,100,-100
Ears: -100,-100,-100,-100

Height: 195 cm
Size: 8

*Body Shaping:
Nose: 0,16,97
Chest: 34,75,34
Shoulders: 6,62,29
Abdomen: -6,31,19
Waist: 31,22
Arms: 11,37,22
Hands: 0,0,0
Legs: 25,55,9
Feet: 0,0,0



Mask - Type 13 pattern14 color: 75,5,-40,100
Mask - Type 8 pattern 14 color: 75,6,-37,100
Face Paint- 84 color: 74,6,14,100
Make up - 26, color: 96,-78,-100,100
Logo - 37, Ajuste ele em baixo do nariz, e regule para baixo a vertical e para cima a horizontal com color: -93,-35,100,100
Other Headwear -14, color: 73,11,-60
Face Paint- 5

*Upper Body:

Elbows -4 color: 76,-19,11,100
Arms/Wrists - Left(Esquerda) - 17 color: -13,-23,-23,100 - Right(Direita) - 14
Hands - 12 color: 76,-19,11

*Lower Body:

Trunks/UW - 5
Wrestling Tights - 5, Color: -48,-11.96,100,100
Trunks/UW - 4 color: -39,58,-23,100, Logo 55 ,Yellow(Amarelo) - Arraste para o centro
Knee Pads - 5 , color: 76,-19,11,100
Boots - 2, color: 73,-3,53
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