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Don Diego
CAW by Felipe L

Date added: 1st May 2012
Start with Template 4 *

Head Shape: 65, 15, 8

80, 60, 35, 25

Eyebrows: Default (Default)

Eyes: Default (Default)

Nose: 20, 0, 35, 15, -25, -15, 25 -60

Cheeks -30, -45, 0, 0

Mouth: 0, 35 0, 15, 28, 35, -85

Jaw: 50 -2, 20, 10, 10, 20

Ears: 10, 50, 0, -40

Height: 194cm

Neck -30, 0, 0

Chest: 35, -10, -10

Abdomen: 25, -8, -8

Waist: 30, 30

Arms: 25, -10, -10

Hands: 45, 25, 10

Legs: 40, 8, 8

Feet 35, 0, 0

Face Parts:

Age: 65

Skin Tone:
3 colors, go to the 1st tab color (white), then puts the shade (shadow) 0

Eyes: 1 Black (Black)

Eyebrows: 22

Lips: 14

Hair: 44

15 down, go to the tab with black shade (shade): -30

9 down, down the black tab with shade (shade): -30

Boots: 1 Black (Black)

Bottoms: -50 to 25 shade

Tops: 4 tug pants in shade to -25

Accessories body 5 x: y 100: 30 s: 0

Black 23 (Black), then the transparency 50.
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