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Andre The Giant
CAW by Wizard of thay

Date added: 21st November 2010
Texture 4/12
Age 74
Hair: 12/77 x22 y134 s 64
Eyes 1/10 x13 y82 s100
Eyebrows: 1/33 x16 y141 s100
Head 25 22 42
Cranium -100 -100 -100 20
Eyebrows 88 5 100 38
Eyes -86 6 23 21 -40 100 -37
Nose -47 -100 8 -34 40 33 18 -8
Cheeks 40 -9 -25 13
Mouth -34 -9 -28 -28 64 76 -55
Jaw 100 68 30 24 100 100
Ears -51 27 -91 -100

Height 218cm

Neck -30 15 15
Chest 15 85 40 0
Traps 20 0 0
Shoulder 0 25 15
Abdoman -3 95 70
Waist 89 59
Arms 0
Bicep 15 43
Forearms 19 10
Hands 5 5 5
Legs -23
Thighs 10 25
Calves 10 25
Feet 0 0 0

facial hair
sideburns 14/16 x19 y150 s51
combinations 25/25 x19 y138 s80

outfits 4/24 x0 y255 s40
boots 35/44 colour 1 x0 y235 s33
colour 2 x29 y160 s40
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