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Alberto Del Rio
CAW by Nickhart1985

Date added: 19th November 2010
Texture - 11
Skin Color - 3
Shine - -72
Age - 36
Hair - 6/77 black
Eyes - 1/10 (14,71,18)
Eyebrows - 5/33 (17,116,66)
Teeth - 1/14

Face Morphing
Head - (24,-6,0)
Cranium - (-72,-86,68,-4)
Eyebrows - (-92,-21,99,-35)
Eyes - (0,-21,-24,30,26,0,1)
Nose - (0,-2,19,-28,-57,43,-43,-43)
Cheeks - (-42,32,12,-60)
Mouth - (0,-26,63,-56,-100,-100,56)
Jaw - (27,14,15,20,-28,56)
Ears - (-13,-100,-100,-86)

Height - (6'5)
Size - 3/11

Body Morphing
Neck - (-44,-14,23)
Chest - (24,17,16,-68)
Traps - (-38,34,48)
Shoulders - (9,0,11)
Abdomen - (-25,7,0)
Waist - (0,0)
Arms - (2)
Biceps - (-9,-5)
Forearms - (0,0)
Hands - (0,0,0)
Legs - (24)
Thighs - (8,12)
Calves - (-1,27)
Feet - (0,0,0)

head tatoos : 9/144 black , cover a part of the rest of none - hair
head tatoos : 8/144 black , cover the rest of the empty part
head tatoos : 9/144 black cover the other side of the head
head tatoos : 8/144 black finish
head tatoos : 100/ 144 black put it on the top of side burn ( near of the ear )
head tatoo : 100 / 144 black the same on the other side of head

underwear : 12/19 32, 69, 191
body tatoo : 16/144 white , place at the left side of his underwear
body tatoo : 16/144 white place at the right side of his underwear
letters : alphabet 2/10 " A " place it like the pic
color 1 : 0, 255, 255
color 2 : 32, 69, 217

wristband : 11/28 white
kneepads : 11/14 color 1 : 0,255,255 color 2 : 0,255,255
shoes : 2/44 white

Entrance attire
just add body accessories 17/37 white

Cinematic entrance
pants : 35/43 color 1 : 0,255,20 color 2 :166,204,50
shoes : 37/44 color : 13, 82, 140
shirt : 17/47, 3rd type ans shirt into the pants, color 1 : 14,113,70 color 2 :0, 255,0
vest : 12/39 color 1 : 0,255,20 color 2 : 167,213,60 color 3 : 167,224,80

put Rodriguez to his name ( his real name is alberto rodriguez )
pics are a little smash but im assuring you i did a good job of his body :)))
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