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Jim Duggan
CAW by Skipper

Date added: 21st January 2012
Viewed: 6890 times
Rating: 7.7/10 (13 votes)

Face Template #11

Hair: 56/76 (100,19,-35,90)
Head: (0,0,0)
Forehead: (65,0,21,0)

Eyes: #1-Third over, slightly crosseyed (60,39,15)
Lashes: Default
Brows: 17/35 (Default)

Mouth/Lips: 2/17 (default)
Teeth: Default
Skins Type: 11/12
Age: 75

Face Morphing
Brows: (-100, 100, 85, 75)
Eyes: (15, -42, -62, 5, -59, 55, -30)
Nose: (1, 80, -2, 2, -44, 75, -53, 95)
Cheeks: (70, -100, 75, 90)
Mouth: (45, -37, 60, -65, -94, 51, -18)
Jaw: (29, 53, -20, -60, 40, -50)
Ears: Default

Body: Template #10
Height: 6'3"

Neck: (-80, -4, 15)
Chest: (25, 33, 41)
Shoulders: (0, 11, 15)
Abdomen: (-71, 51, 72)
Waist: (59, 54)
Arms: (-5, -13, 18)
Hands: (0,0,0)
Legs: (-2, 10, 25)
Feet: (0,0,0)

Make-up: 22/22 (67, -44, -1, 100)
Make-up: 18/22 (92, 0, 50, 50)
Facial Hair Combination: 14/25 (92, 14, 3, 100)
Facial Hair Combination: 22/25 (100, 3, 7, 100)
Goatee: 8/14 (100, 11, 15, 100)
Body Hair: Torso 1/6 (100, -1, 6, 71)
Body Hair: Arms 1/4 (100, -1, 25, 81)
Body Hair: Legs 4/6 (100, -1, 29, 75)

Outfit 1 (Typical Blue)
Trunks: 17/19 -Blue
Footwear: 42/44 -(1st color blue, 2nd color white)
Knee Pads: 5/16 Both Knees -Blue

Outfit 2 (vs. Steve Storm WCW)
Knee Pads: 10/16 Both Knees -Blue (Logo 125 "Star" 4 per knee pad, shrunken to fit in square pattern on front)
Footwear: 42/44 (1st and 2nd color white)
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