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Annie Social
CAW by The Fanged Freak

Date added: 19th September 2010
Viewed: 7137 times
Rating: 6.7/10 (14 votes)

Start with Template 1

Hair 21 [81/-100/-60/77]

Head [19/18/4]
Forehead [0/-8/100/54]

Eyes 5 [82/0/-50]
Eyelids 13 [16/0/-13]
Eyebrows 19 [89/0/-6]
Lips 2 [96/-2/-11]
Teeth 1

Skin Tone 1 [89/-13/10]
Skin Age [25]

Eyebrows [-100/100/74/-84]
Eyes [37/1/-24/-58/53/-15/7]
Nose [0/-11/13/-6/5/-12/16/58]
Cheeks [-21/0/-49/84]
Mouth [26/2/-24/-6/6/6/-11]
Jaw [-3/60/20/-54/-1/64]
Ears [-27/0/-16/0]

Height 1,60 CM

Complex [-84]

Neck [0/0/10]
Chest [0/4/0]
Breast [21/0/-23]
Shoulders [-36/3/-27]
Abd [0/26/2]
Waist [6/7]
Arms [-21/-7/-1]
Hands [Default]
Legs [-35/2/3]
Feet [-100/-34/0]

Definition 1

Now everything must be in order...

09: (Down) Underwear 2 [-21/-100/-34]
10: (Top) Underwear 9 [-13/-100/-63]
11: Make-up 4 [-30/-5/1/100]
12: Make-up 1 (1 click RIGHT)[100/0/0/100]
13: (Down) Underwear 14 [-13/-100/-74/100]
14: Body Design 120 (Rotate 2 times, 1 click LEFT)(see REF 1)[100/-100/-38/100]
15: Do the same on the other side.
16: Arm Accesories 5 [-100/-100/-63/100]
17: Socks 1 [-13/-100/5/100/0]
18: Shoes 17 [-60/-100/-72]
19: Body Design 142 (1 click RIGHT, 1 click UP)(see REF 2)[89/-66/48/100]
20: Back Design 9 (Rotate 2 times, 1 click DOWN, 1 click RIGHT)(see REF 3)[-18/0/-100/52]

You must put Layers #21 & #22 over her eyebrows, they will look thicker.

21: Face=>Letters=>Signs 1/7: 3 clicks DOWN, 2 clicks RIGHT. It must be this sign => (
(Rotate 3 times, 2 clicks UP)(see REF 4)[-25/0/-30/47]
22: Do the same in her other eyebrow.

Layers #23 & #24 are just a line near her eyes..

23: Face=>Letters=>Signs 1/7: 4 clicks DOWN, 4 clicks RIGHT.
It must be that sign under this one => [
(Rotate 1 time, 2 clicks LEFT)(see REF 5)[-25/0/-100/68]
24: Do the same in her right eye.
25: Make-up 25 (1 click RIGHT)[89/0/0/8]

Now this is just for her entrance [Optional]:

26: Hats 8 [-13/-100/-65]

Now write "PHILLY" on It. (see REF 6)

(2 clicks UP in every letter)

27: Letters 8/17: P [76/-50/11/100]
28: Letters 8/17: H [76/-50/11/100]
29: Letters 8/17: I [76/-50/11/100]
30: Letters 8/17: L [76/-50/11/100]
31: Letters 8/17: L [76/-50/11/100]
32: Letters 9/17: Y [76/-50/11/100]

and that's It..


Annie Social
Spawn of Anger
Annie Social
The Disaster
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania [She is billed from "Killadelphia, Pennsylvania"]
59 KG [130 Lb]

* Some Moves that you must put her:


Pull-Back Attacks
Objects Specialist
Possum Pin
Hammer Throw
Dirty Pin
Ring Escape


Trish Stratus 2
Diva 17


1: Mr. McMahon Stunner [This is the best option for her "Social Disorder"]
2: Sunset Flip Powerbomb 2 (or Sunset Flip Powerbomb 1)[This is her "Beatdown"]

If you want to create her finishers, they must be like this:

.- Social Disorder

1: Gut Kick [100&]
2: Stunner [100&]

As I said, Mr. McMahon's Stunner looks a lot better.

.- Beatdown

1: Front kick to the Groin [100%]
2: Piledriver Clutch 01 [100%]
3: Texan Destroyer Clutch [100%]
4: Texan Destroyer Impact/Pin [100&]


1: Half Nelson Choke 2 [I think that this is the best option for her "Rat Trap"]
2: Heels Gate

Other Moves:

Electric Chair Drop [Looks like her "Modified Acid Bomb"]
Apron Hotshot 2 [Her "Social Disorder" against the ropes]
Power of The Punch
Triple H Choke
Apron Choke
Mat Slam
Headscissors Takedown 1 [Running]
Clothesline 3 [Strikes]
Clothesline 10 [Running]
Woman's Elbow Smash [Strikes]
Arm Drag [Put her every Arm Drag in the game]
Drop toe Hold [as a Counter]
Snapmare [Behind]
Neck Snap [Ground]
Dropkick 3 [Ground]
Small package 1 [Front Grapple]
School Boy [There's no school boy from behind in the game, so put her the Running School Boy]
Suplex 5 [Looks like her kind of Suplex]
Armbar 4 [Front Grapple]
Ducking [as a Counter]
Hangman Chokehold [Turnbuckle]
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