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Dude Love
CAW by Goldust for president

Date added: 24th July 2011
Viewed: 11925 times
Rating: 6.9/10 (14 votes)

template 12
head (50,10,-7)
forehead (-50,31,0,-12)
hair 63(87,-6,-7,0)
eye type 1(13,0,-11)
eye lashes 2 default
eye brows 7(88,-21,-7)
lips 15(98,0,14)
skin tone 1(91,-6,2)
skin age 80
Face Morphing:
brows (-51,-26,-44,-93)
eyes (0,-31,7,79,19,36,-41)
nose (-6,-40,15,-7,39,-5,-12,23)
cheeks (-5,-100,-43,73)
mouth (-39,-85,-50,-15,-37,-15,57)
jaw (42,-10,75,0,31,58)
ears (-64,14,-61,-24)
height 6'2
body type 24
definition 5
neck (-38,16,7)
chest (25,58,-27)
shoulders (-20,25,4)
abs (-7,35,30)
waist (34,18)
arms (5,-10,8)
legs (6,16,10)
feet (2,4,4)
marks scars 1(90,4,-16,22)
marks scars 19(94,-29,-2,0)
facial hair template 8(90,-37,-7,100)
goatee 8(91,-70,9,9,100)
facial template 24(89,26,-39,100)
goatee 1(89,-59,6,47)
wrestling tights 1/18 - (-13,0,-40,100,100)
knee pads - both knees - 5/16 - (-13,-100,-66,100)
arms/wrists - both arms - pattern 5/52 - (-67,0,0,100)
hands - right hand - 2/16 - pattern 5/52 - (-52,11, 19,100)
body tattoos - symbols - arms - right arm - 103/149 - second largest horizontal, largest vertical - place over pinkie finger - (90,-51,40,100)
body tattoos - symbols - arms - right arm - 103/149 - largest horizontal, largest vertical - place over index finger and thumb - (90,51,40,100)
boots/shoes - 1/37 - first style - (-27,-100,70)
tops - 37/50 - untucked - pattern 5/52 - (67,0,0)
Entrance attire
glasses - 7/39 - (100,0,0)
hats - 21/38 - longer style - pattern 5/52 - (68,0,0)
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