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CAW by Bozznier87

Date added: 9th February 2009
Viewed: 11701 times
Rating: 7.4/10 (144 votes)

First of all, sorry for my bad english and crappy pics (i hate my iphone!) many thx to the members of the KWICK! Bushido Clan for there loyalty & inspiration.

Face Template/Vorlage: 1

Name: Bushido
Nickname/Spitzname: King
Nickname Placement/Anordnung: middle/Zusatz
HUD Name: Bushido
Announcer Introduction/Vorstellung: The King
Hometown/Herkunft: Germany
Weightclass/Gewichtsklasse: 176lbs/80kg(Cruiserweight)
Crowd Reaction/Reaktion: Good/Gut
Show: Free Agent

Hair/Frisur: 47 (81,-62,-31)

*Head Morphing/Kopf-Anpassung:*
Head/Kopf: 15,0,2
Forehead/Stirn: 10,-100,0,0

Eye Type/Augentyp: 1 (84,31,-20)
Eyelashes/Wimpern: default/standart
Eyebrows/Brauen: 15 (86,0,-15)

Lips/Lippen: 1 (99,-7,-10)
Teeth/Zähne: default/standart

Skin Tone/Hautton: 12 (88,0,-10,5)
Slin Aging/Hautalterung: 40

*Face Morphing/Gesicht-Anpassung*
Eyebrows/Brauen: -75,-20,-25,-60
Eyes/Augen: -30,0,0,10,25,5,-10
Nose/Nase: 0,0,20,-55,35,10,12,35
Cheeks/Wangen: -100,-50,-50,-100
Mouth/Mund: 30,-20,-20,10,-20,30,-35
Jaw/Kiefer: 40,30,30,-20,20,-60
Ears/Ohren: 10,0,0,0

Height/Höhe: 187cm

*Body Type/Körpertyp*
Body Type/Körpertyp: 0

*Body Morphing/Körper-Anpassung*
Neck/Hals: 0,-30,10
Chest/Brustkorp: 0,-20,-10
Shoulders/Schultern: 0,0,-70
Abdomen/Bauch: 30,-10,-10
Waist/Taille: 0,0
Arms/Arme: 0,-10,-10
Hands/Hände: 0,0,0
Legs/Beine: 20,-25,-10
Feet/Füße: -10,0,0

Definition/Körperbau: 1

*Layers/Ebenen (Bekleidung usw.)*:
*Arm-Behaarung/Arm-Hair(?): 1 (86,0,0,100)
*Kinnbart/goatee: 8 (85,0,-7,100)
*Schnurbart/mustache: 13 (86,0,0,85)
*Koteletten/sideburns: 4 (87,0,0,75)
*Brillen/Sunglasses: 30 (78,0,-10)
*Arm-Accessoires: 2 (white/weiß)
*Shoes/Schuhe: 22 (Black/Schwarz)
*Jeans: 16/2 (-16,0,0)
*Polo Shirt: 32 (White)

For the "Electro Ghetto"-Tattoo you need the Fonts from the 8th Page and my help-pics. The Color-Code is: -25,0,-50,50
Für das "Electro Ghetto"-Tattoo braucht ihr die Schrift von Seite 8 und meine Bilder vergleichen. Der Farbcode lautet: -25,0,-50,50
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