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Kwee Wee
CAW by Badger87

Date added: 24th July 2011
Viewed: 9622 times
Rating: 4.6/10 (10 votes)

Name: Kwee Wee
Nickname: Default
Nickname Placement: None
HUD Name: Kwee Wee
Announcer Introduction: The Freak
Hometown: Ohio
Weight Class: 220 lbs
Crowd Reaction: Bad
Show: You Choose

Hair: 55 (81, 0, 16)
Eyes: 1 (13, 0, -25)
Eyebrows: 2
Skin Tone: 12
Skin Aging: 37

Tops: 28-Entrance/Backstage only (-86, -31, 84, 100)
Hands-both: 6
Wrestling Tights: 1 (-85, -25, 85, 100)
Bottoms: 24-Model 2-Entrance/Backstage only (-82, 28, 40, 100)
Knees-both: 15 (-82,-25, 83, 100)
Socks: 16 (76, -19, 11, 100)
Boots: 2-Model 2 (-85, -31, 78)
Definition: 5
Height: 6'5

Body Type: 0

Head: -5, 12, -11
Forehead: 12, -5, 12, 39
Neck: -35, 28, 10
Chest: -7, 4, -35
Shoulders: -8, -7, 5
Abs: -27, 8, -16
Waist: 5, 7
Arms: 3, 7, 6
Hands: 0, 0, 0
Legs: 3, -3, 7
Feet: 0, 0, 0
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