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Admiral William Adama
CAW by thespaceman

Date added: 24th January 2008
Viewed: 5299 times
Rating: 8.0/10 (42 votes)

Name: Admiral William Adama
HUD Name: Adama
Nickname: Husker
Nickname Placement: You Choose (I don't use it)
Announcer Introduction: William
Hometown: Whatever
Gender: Male
Weight Class: Doesn't Matter
Crowd Reaction: Good
Show: You Choose


Template 3
(Delete Mustache unless your going for the pre Exodus look)

Head: (0,0,0)
Forehead: (0,35,23,0)

Face Morphing

Eyebrows: (-20,-70,-3,33)
Eyes: (-7,-18,0,43,0,45,0)
Nose: (32,0,5,18,42,48,13,0)
Cheeks: (39,-94,-70,96)
Mouth: (0,0,0,0,0,0,-98)
Jaw: (59,32,19,20,98,94)
Ears: (78,0,95,0)
Skin Aging: 70

Body: 6 feet
Body Type: 0

Body Morphing
Neck: (-75,0,0)
Chest: Default
Shoulder: (25,-65,0)
Abdomen: Default
Waist: Default
Arms: Default
Hands: Default
Legs: (-20,5,0)
Feet: Default

1) Definition 6/9
2) Skin Tone 4/12 (88,0,-7,0)
3) Eye Type 1/9 Black (looks best)
4) Eyebrows 21/38 (87,-47,-2)
5) Eyelashes Default
6) Lips Default
7) Teeth Default
8) Hair 5/73 (96,-70,-27)
9) Underwear Default
10) Glasses 12/33 (100,0,-100)
11) Boots/Shoes 23/33 (-13,-100,-55)
12) Tops 11/40 (-13,-100,-55)
13) Bottoms 30/42 (-34,-22,-60)
14) Jackets 7/21 (-34,-22,-59)
15) Design Symbol 92/141 (yellow) Make smallest and put it near the right side of his neckline so symbol is halfway missing.
16) Design Symbol 92/141 (Yellow) Make smallest and put it near the left side of his neckline so symbol is halfway missing.
17) Design Symbol 37/141 (Yellow) Make Smallest and flip upside down. Put it just above his left jacket pocket.
18) Design Symbol 95/141 (Red) Third Smallest Vertically. Place just to the left of his shirt buttons and line it up with his shirt.
19) Design Symbol 92/141 (Black) Make Smallest and put it on the left yellow symbol near the neckline so more than half is not showing to give the appearance of his rank.
20) Design Symbol 92/141 (Black) Make Smallest and put it on the right yellow symbol near the neckline so more than half is not showing to give the appearance of his rank.
21) Design Symbol 95/141 (Red) Make biggest horizontal and flip it once. Place at the top of the button redline you created earlier.
22) Design Symbol 95/141 (Red)Make it third biggest vertically and place it at the end of the newly created redline at the top of the shirt. It should go all the way down the shirt to create the appearance of a flap.

Reference Pictures for Help

Fighting Style 1: Brawler
Fighting Style 2: Hardcore
Match Specialty: Anything (but I picked Last Man seemed right considering the show.)
Voice: You Choose

Crowd Signs: You Choose
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