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123 Kid
CAW by PPVmikeDK

Date added: 3rd November 2008
Viewed: 10385 times
Rating: 6.5/10 (61 votes)

123 kid's attire from this match
only Attire.

8. Hair 34/73 (Black)
9. Underwear
10. Wrestling attire 13/18 (Black)
11. Wrestling Tights 1/17 (-13,-100,0,100,100)
12. Elbow pads 2/10 (-13,-100,-55,100)
13-14. Designe 101 (H=S, V=S) back on the elbow pad the same on the other elbow (-18,-100,59,100)
15-16. Designe 138 (H=S, V=S) front on the elbow pad the same on the other elbow (-18,-100,59,100)
17. Arms/Wrist 1 (-13,-100,-55,100,5)
18-20. Numeral page 4/9 pic
21. designe 44 (H=2nd S, V=2nd B) in center of the abs
22-23. designe 103 upper body. (H=2nd B V=2nd B) on the top of the tights both sides (Black)
24-25. Designe 103 on legs right (H=2nd S, V=2nd B)under designe 22 and 23 (Black)
26. Wrestling Tights Designe 145/159 (100,-100,0,100)
27. designe 97/159 legs (-100,0,13,100)
28. knee pads 15/15 (-13,-100,-55,100)
29. Socks 22/24 (100,0,0)
30. Boots/Shoes 32/33 (-11,0,0)
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