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CAW by TwoL3ftF33t

Date added: 5th January 2008
Viewed: 19366 times
Rating: 7.3/10 (200 votes)

Height: 6'1
Def: 4/9
Skin: 11/12 89,3,-3,0
eye: 1/09 89, 19, -18
eyebrows: 35/38 87,0,0
eyelashes: 1/15 87, 0, 0
lips: 12/16 100, 5, -9
teeth: 1/14 87, 0, 0
Hair: 32/73 82, 0, -22, -72

Face Morphing:
Eyebrows: -90, 47, -67, -13
eyes: 0, -46, 3, -45, 11, 92, -100
nose: 0, 66, 0, 7, 0, 0, 0, 0
Cheeks: 14, -38, -19, 62
Mouth, 0, -29, -35, 65, 64, 46, -94
Jaw: 47, 11, 15, -27, 80, 0

face Others:
Goatee: 11/14 86, -25, -42, 100
facial hair template: 23/26 86,0,0,100
Piercing: 8,20 74, 0, 0
Glasses: 7/33 100,0,-100

Body morphing:
Body type 10
NeckF -55,0,0
Chest: 38,-1,-19
Shoulders: -47,18,0
Abdomen: -29,-4,0
Waist: 0,0
Arms: 0,-27,-36
Legs: 0,0,0
Feet: 0,0,0

Body hair torso 1/6: 85,0,0,40

Boots/shoes 8/33 patern 38/51: -92,11,-47
Bottom 25/42 pattern 38/51: -90,8,-47
Belt 7/30: 98,-23,-56
Belt 4/30: 67,-44,0,100
Belt 14/30: 100,-78,-23,100
Body accessory 1/17 short: 77,-78,-43,100
Hands 9/16: -13,-100,-74,100

Intro jacket 11/21: 39,-17,-76

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