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ECW Tag Team Title
Belt by xAusTiN

Date added: 30th December 2007
Viewed: 10945 times
Rating: 6.5/10 (85 votes)

Belt name: ECW Tag Team.


Design: 1/5
Materials: 4/6
Pattern: 1/39

Center plate:

Design, Normal: 3/36 then 66/85
Materials: (Center Plate) 5/7 (Centerpiece) 4/7

Side plate:

Design, Both: 76, 127
Materials, Both: 4/7

No name plate

Cost: $11,450

Now i know this isn't exactly like it, buts its the best you could do. Sorry, its sort of like it, hope you like it.

And sorry about the picture quality, token with a camera phone
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