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Buried Alive Championship
Belt by Taker4ever74

Date added: 14th December 2007
Viewed: 15905 times
Rating: 6.0/10 (204 votes)

Belt - Designs - 1/5
Materials - 2/6
Pattern - 7/39

Center Plate - Designs - normal - 10/36
Materials - 1/7
jewels - Sapphire - 4/8 - spots - 1,3,4,6

Center Piece - Designs - 26/85
Materials - 5/7
Jewels - Ruby - 3/8 - spots - 1,3,4,6

Side Plates - Designs - Both - 4/127
Materials - Both - 5/7
Jewels - both - Ruby - 3/8 - spots - 2,5

Total for Belt - $31,300

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