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Cody Jones
Move by Ryan Wall

Date added: 23rd September 2008
Standard Actions

Ring In: Slide In
Ring Out: Normal
Taunt: 1. Taunt Shelton Benjamin’s, 2. Taunt Samoan 1, 3. Taunt Holly, 4. Taunt Mysterio 2
Fighting Stance: FP Tazz


Strike Attacks: 1. Boxing Body Blow, 2. Boxing Hook Punch, 3. Boxing Straight Punch, 4. Boxing Strong Uppercut, 5. Dropkick 2, 6. Boxing Uppercut.

Grapple Moves

QUICK: Big Knee Smash, Eye Poke 3, Sweep 2, Headlock Punch 2.

SUBMISSION: [DDT] Sleeper Hold, Guillotine, Armbar 1, Chin Lock.

TECHNIQUE: [Power Bomb] Tiger Bomb 2, Side Effect 1, Northern Lights Suplex 2, Complete Shot.

CLEAN: [Samoan Drop 1] Gutbuster 2, Hip Toss 1, Neckbreaker 3, DDT 13.

DIRTY: [Samoan Drop 1] Reverse Atomic Drop, Low Blow 2, Forehead Bite 1, Poison Mist.

TECHNIQUE: [Oklahoma] Cobra Clutch Bomb, Shining Wizard 5, Half Nelson Face Buster, Gutbuster 1.

Grapple From Behind: DDT 17, Dragon Suplex Pin, Low Blow 6, High Angle Backbreaker.

Top Of Cell Attack: Downward Thrust X2


Strike Move: Moonsault Splash 1, Rolling Thunder, Karate Punch 1
Grapple Moves: Forehead Bite 2, Moonsault Splash 2, Rolling Thunder 2, Toss 2, High Angle Boston Crab 2, Tope Atomico.


Strike Attacks: Turnbuckle Kick Combo, Turnbuckle Clothesline 2, Turnbuckle Dropkick 2.
Grapple Moves: Super Tiger Bomb, Triangle Dropkick, Dropkick 5, Kane Strikes.
Grapple From Behind: Ninja, Illegal Pin, Spider Suplex, Toss 1.
Sitting Corner Grapple: Stomping Mudhole.


Groggy On Ropes: Back Low Blow
Rebound Attack: Diving Spinning Lariat, Lionsault, Moonsault Attack
Diving Out Of Ring Attack: Corkscrew Body Attack


Diving Attack vs. Standing Opp: Diving Cross Body Pin 1, Dragona Pin.
Diving Attack vs. Drowned Opp: Corkscrew Body Pin, Rolling Thunder 1, Moonsault 1.


Running Strikes: Karate Kick 1, Diving Spinning Lariat.
Running Grapple: Victory Roll Pin 1, Bulldog 6.
Grapple From Behind: School Boy Roll Up, Throw Back.
Crouching Attack: Flip Senton Attack 2, Senton.
Counter Attack: Half Nelson Face Buster, Reverse Atomic Drop.

Tag Team
Standing Tag Team: Shining Wizard 1, Low Blow And Knee Attack (X2), Death Drop 3.
Corner Tag Team: Moonsault Combination (X2), Double Elbow Drop 1 (X2)

Finishers: 1. Tiger Bomb (Pepsi X)
2. Super Tiger Bomb (Super Pepsi X)
Signatures: 1. Gutbuster 1 (Pepsinator)
2. Corkscrew Body Pin (Pepsi Dive)
3. High Angle Boston Crab (Pepsi Lock)

Chair Finishers: Chair Guillotine, Chair DDT

1.Boxing Hook Punch
2. Boxing Strong Uppercut
3. Dragon Whip 1
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