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The Worlds Greatest Entrance
Entrance by robbin4321

Date added: 17th November 2007
First off i'de like to say this is a good entrance and it is for my caw robbin4321 but feel free to use it it is a really good entrance.

Advanced Entrance:


Motion: Randy Orton

Fireworks: Shawn Michaels when he throws his hands up.

Screen effect: None

Room lighting: 29

Camera: 2


Motion: Shawn Michaels

Fireworks: None But put the name plate on when he rases his hands up.

Screen effect: None

Room lighting: 29

Camera: default

Ring in:

Motion: Edge

Fireworks: None

Screen effect: none

Room Lighting: 29

Camera: default


Motion: Randy Orton

Fireworks: Ring in pyro 2 when he throws up his hands the second time in the ring.

Screen effect: None

Room lighting: 29

Camera: Change to camera 4 when the pyro goes off.

Movie: whatever I chose dx

Music: whatever i chose music 09

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