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Jeff Hardy (Advanced)
Entrance by DX Power

Date added: 8th April 2008
Motion: Dusty Rhodes
Fireworks: Stage Pyro 11 (When he moves the hand)
Screen Effect: None
Room Lighting: Room Lighting 03
Camera: 5 and 9* (*Just when the fireworks go on)

Motion: Superstar 07
Fireworks: None
Screen Effect: None
Room Lighting: Room Lighting 03
Camera: 2

Motion: Superstar 07
Fireworks: None
Screen Effect: None
Room Lighting: Room Lighting 03
Camera: 1

Motion: Superstar 03
Fireworks: None
Screen Effect: None
Room Lighting: Room Lighting 03
Camera: 9 (When he raises his arms) and the rest camera 1

Movie: Matt Hardy
Music: Bret Hart
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