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CAW by BrokenOne

{Note: Some tvs are different then others. Please adjust your tv so the colors are right. I have double checked all my formulas and have made sure no mistakes happen. But in rare cases some do happen. If so please contact me. Enjoy!!!}

Name: Yoda
HUD Name: Yoda
Nickname: Jedi Master
Nickname Placement: Prefix
Announcer Introduction: The Bruiser
Hometown: Parts Unknown
Gender: Male
Weight Class: 243 lbs./Heavyweight
Match Tactic: Fight Clean
Show: RAW
Voice: Dunno...It's up to you...

Head (-88,100,22,-99)
Eyebrows (-67,100,13,49)
Eyes (100,100,68,100,-10,-29,-27)
Nose (-7,-48,-18,-75,0,0,-38,-38)
Cheek (44,100,56,22)
Mouth (-88,0,0,-33,0,0,40)
Jaw (-48,-58,2,-12,0,62)
Ear (-95,100,100,100)
Age (100)

Hair: 86 (93,0,76)
Eyes: 8 (94,45,44)
Eyebrows: 3 (66,27,44,26)
Lips: 33 (85,47,30,100)
Face Skin: 1
Eyelashes(lids): 1 (93,50,50)
Teeth: 1 (98,50,50)


{Body Type}
Ripped <-> Thick: 0
Head: (-40,65,35)
Neck: (-53,-10,18)
Chest: (-64,-48,-27)
Shoulder: (-90,-36,-45)
Abdomen: (-45,-12,6)
Waist: (-27,-7)
Arms: (-88,-29,3)
Hands: (-90,-90,-90)
Legs: (-90,-70,-42)
Feet: (-81,-51,31)

{Body Skin}: 1 (84,49,41)
{Body Hair}: 1 (100,50,50,100)
{Body Height}: 5'3"......shortest you can do without hacks!!!

{Note: I am putting all layers as I have them in the layers section....If something doesn\'t look to be in the right place move that layer to make it the right place....Missing numbers are either facial hair or Green colored Unmove-able layers. And missing HIGH numbers means I didn\'t use those layers!!!}

11. Head/Face Paint: 11 (82,80,19,9)
12. Head/Make-Up: 120 (85,50,40,73)
13. Head/Make-Up: 135 (83,54,38,100)
14. Head/Make-Up: 87 (98,0,62,0)
15. Head/Make-Up: 76 (85,51,43,43)
16. Head/Make-Up: 53 (85,47,43,100)
17. Head/Face Paint: 44 (83,67,47,50)
18. Head/Face Paint: 76 (79,66,36,0)

~Upper Eye Detail~
19. Head/Tattoos&Logos/Picture: 18 {Hit Vertical Scaling Down 1 time} [[Move: See Help Pix]] (94,0,0,7)
20. Head/Tattoos&Logos/Picture: 18 {Hit Vertical Scaling Down 1 time} [[Move: See Help Pix]] (94,0,0,7)

21. Torso/Clothes/Men's: 2/1 (89,49,24,100,0)
22. Torso/Jacket/Coat: 1/1 (92,21,55)
23. Feet/Shoes: 48/1 (84,56,26)
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