Gerard Way
CAW by Rocky6490619
Body Toning: 0
Body Parts
Face Skin: 13
Body Skin: 1
Skin Color: (-93,14)(-5)
Hair: 65(-90,-56)(0)(100)
Eyebrows: 9(-88,-27)(0)
Eyes: 7(-96,18)(0)
Lips: 2(-100,-8)(-12)
Face Morphing:
Head: (-100,-17)(-11)
Eyebrows: (20,100)(-3)
Eyes: (14,-57)(33,53)
Nose: (-67,11)(-5,38)
Cheek: (-22,100)(-16)
Mouth: (-15,100)(0,39)
Jaw: (-14,0)(0,-4)
Ear: default
Age: (-100)
Full Body Scaling:
Head: (30,-57)(-25)
Neck: (27, 24)(24)
Chest: (-21,-100)(-58)
Shoulder: (-40,-100)
Abdomen: (-11,-28)(100)
Arms: (-34,-20)(-63)
Hands: (-38,-49)
Waist: (19,13)
Legs: (0,0)(0,0)
Feet: (37,100)(33)
Height: 5'10"(-34)
Dress Up
Make Up: 51(100,5)(-14)(-100)
Make Up: 45(-92,-96)(0)(-75)
Make Up: 5(-100,-14)(100)(-6)
Design:Pattern:Letters:Numeral: Page 5, 6th column, 3rd row "1"(Second smallest horizontal, smallest size vertical)(place, centered, above the lips, below the nose)(-93,-7)(-52)(-100)
Long Hemline: 52(11,-76)(-100)(100)(-100)
Shoes: 1(12,-100)(-100)(100)
Pants: 18
Jacket: 9(12,-70)(-100)
Upperbody Accessories: 6(-80,-47)(-10)(100)
Body Parts
Face Skin: 13
Body Skin: 1
Skin Color: (-93,14)(-5)
Hair: 65(-90,-56)(0)(100)
Eyebrows: 9(-88,-27)(0)
Eyes: 7(-96,18)(0)
Lips: 2(-100,-8)(-12)
Face Morphing:
Head: (-100,-17)(-11)
Eyebrows: (20,100)(-3)
Eyes: (14,-57)(33,53)
Nose: (-67,11)(-5,38)
Cheek: (-22,100)(-16)
Mouth: (-15,100)(0,39)
Jaw: (-14,0)(0,-4)
Ear: default
Age: (-100)
Full Body Scaling:
Head: (30,-57)(-25)
Neck: (27, 24)(24)
Chest: (-21,-100)(-58)
Shoulder: (-40,-100)
Abdomen: (-11,-28)(100)
Arms: (-34,-20)(-63)
Hands: (-38,-49)
Waist: (19,13)
Legs: (0,0)(0,0)
Feet: (37,100)(33)
Height: 5'10"(-34)
Dress Up
Make Up: 51(100,5)(-14)(-100)
Make Up: 45(-92,-96)(0)(-75)
Make Up: 5(-100,-14)(100)(-6)
Design:Pattern:Letters:Numeral: Page 5, 6th column, 3rd row "1"(Second smallest horizontal, smallest size vertical)(place, centered, above the lips, below the nose)(-93,-7)(-52)(-100)
Long Hemline: 52(11,-76)(-100)(100)(-100)
Shoes: 1(12,-100)(-100)(100)
Pants: 18
Jacket: 9(12,-70)(-100)
Upperbody Accessories: 6(-80,-47)(-10)(100)