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Royal Rumble april


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24 wrestlers left got to be in the game come on kane,hbk,hhh,the rock are all gone the undertaker and umaga are gone aswell 24 wrestlers left i will be simming this late tonight

you are now able to pick 6 superstars

scsa, matt hardy,chavo and the boogeyman are gone now if ther is no more entries at 8pm uk time then i will sim it with random caws

i will get it all done in a bit and i will sim it only 2 people have entered meaning either of them will get the prize but just for fun i might give both of them the price

i will get it all done in a bit and i will sim it only 2 people have entered meaning either of them will get the prize but just for fun i might give both of them the price

i will now be starting it and i will write what happens bit by bit

Names of all entrants:
HHH,The Rock,Mankind,RVD,Rey Mysterio(Magnus2007),Kane,HBK,Matt,Chavo,SCSA,The Boogeyman(Rated C),Undertaker,Umaga(Me),Big Show,Bobby Lashley,Booker T,Edge,Finlay,Cena,Orton,FlairBatista,Carlito,Benoit,Masters,Helms,Benjamin,Craz

Entry Number------------Eliminated By------- #--------
1 :RVD Batista and Carlito(1)
2 :Batista Lashley and Carlito(12)
3 :The Rock Carlito and Batista(3)
4 :Mankind The Rock (2)
5 :Carlito Lashley(13)
6 :Kane Carlito and Flair (4)
7 :Flair Carlito and Batista(5)
8 :Booker T Lashley and Carlito(6)
9 :Lashley Mysterio(16)
10:Shelton B Carlito and Lashley(10)
11:masters Batista and Benjamin(7)
12:Orton Carlito and Benjamin(9)
13:Benoit Carlito and Benjamin(8)
14:Cena Carlito(11)
15:Undertaker Lashley(14)
16:Edge Lashley(15)
17:Mysterio Psicosis and Vito(17)
18:Vito Crazy and Psicosis(18)
19:Psicosis Umaga(21)
20:Crazy Psicosis and Helms(19)
21:Helms Psicosis(20)
22:Chavo Finlay(23)
23:Umaga HHH and HBK(28)
24:Big Show HBK and Umaga(27)
25:Matt Hardy Umaga(24)
26:Finlay Big Show and SCSA(25)
27:Boogeyman Big Show and Finlay(22)
28:SCSA Umaga and HBK(26)
29:HBK HHH(29)
30:HHH Winner(30)


the match lasted 16:00 minutes what a lucky match all of us had someone in the final 3
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