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Hulk Hogan (red/yellow Hulkamania attire) - SvR07
By WolfgangJT


Help pics zip file:

Start with face model 12- default model (delete all layers past 10)

Head: 0, 0, 0
Forehead: 0, -65, 27, -55

Eyebrows: -2, 36, -100, 19
Eyes: -11, -23, 1, 62, -35, -23, -38
Nose: 44, -89, 76, -12, 61, -47, -20, -30
Cheek: 0, 9, 34, -32
Mouth: 100, -62, -16, -45, -4, 31, -53
Jaw: -41, 45, 42, 9, 100, -45
Ears: 28, -100, -100, 50
Age: 37

Body Type: -39
Neck: 0, 6, 34
Chest: 25, -3, 69
Shoulder: -22, 57, -68
Abdomen: -44, 53, 38
Waist: 35, 1
Arms: 0, 34, 51
Hands: 0, 0, 0
Legs: 7, -9, 0
Feet: 0, 0, 0

Body Height: 6'7"
Weight: 302 lbs

1. Body Skin 5: 88, 2, -6, 36
2. Face Skin 11
3. Eyes 2: 41, -53, -16
4. Eyebrows 18: 89, -12, -8
5. Eyelashes 1: 87, -62, 0
6. Lips 27: 88, -20, 21
7. Teeth: default
8. Hair 43: 89, 21, 2 (better for length, bandana stays on) or Hair 42: 89, 22, 22
9. Body Hair 1: None
10. Underwear: 6 (color doesn't matter)

H=Horizontal, V=Vertical:

11. Makeup 19: 90, -41, -38, 100
12. Headwear > Logos > WWE 19, 2nd Largest H, Smallest V, place on top of upper lip area as seen in help pics: -19, 25, 0, 79
13. Headwear > Logos > Design 99, 2nd Smallest H, Largest V, place on cheek area as seen in help pics: 88, -64, 44, 12
14. Headwear > Logos > Design 99, Smallest H, Largest V, place on cheek area as seen in help pics: 88, -52, 7, 50
15. Copy previous design, move to other side of face as shown in help pics: 88, -53, 8, 57
16. Headwear > Logos > Design 93, rotate twice, Smallest H, Largest V, place on side of mouth as seen in help pics: 83, -70, 88, 100
17. Copy previous design, move to other side of face as shown in help pics: 83, -70, 88, 100
18. Headwear > Logos > Design 97, 2nd Smallest H, 2nd Largest V, place over and below previous designs as seen in help pics to finish the lower part of what will be the moustache: 83, -70, 88, 100
19. Copy previous design, move to other side of face as shown in help pics: 83, -70, 88, 100
20. Other Facial Hair 19: 89, -25, 31, 55
21. Moustache 4: 83, -40, 56, 100
22. Headwear > Logos > Design 100, Smallest H, 2nd Smallest V, place on face to create the mouth lines as seen in help pics (lower tip should just touch at the corner of the moustache): 88, -57, 14, 89
23. Copy previous design, rotate once, move to other side of face as shown in help pics: 88, -57, 14, 89
24. Headwear > Logos > Design 103, rotate once, 2nd Smallest H and V, place over red in sideburns area as seen in help pics: 88, -56, 27, 100
25. Copy previous design, move to other side of face to cover red area near other sideburns area: 88, -55, 24, 100
26. Makeup 62: 96, -5, -4, 100
27. Makeup 27: 89, 3, 4, 22
28. Headwear > Logos > Design 94, rotate twice, 2nd Smallest H, Smallest V, place on chin as seen in help pics: 88, -59, 40, 19
29. Headwear > Logos > Letters > Japanese Page 8, 6th Column, 3rd row, rotate twice, 2nd Smallest H, Largest V, place near his right eye as seen in help pics: 88, -58, -37, 19
30. Headwear > Logos > Letters > Japanese Page 8, 6th Column, 3rd row, rotate once, 2nd Smallest H, Largest V, place near his left eye as seen in help pics: 88, -58, -37, 19
31. Headwear > Glasses 4: -100, 85, 2 (for red); 71, 85, 2 (for yellow) * entrance and cutscene only
32. Tights 1, Pattern 38: 82, 86, 64, 100, 100
33. Tights 1, Pattern 1: -100, 84, 35, 80, 39
34. Tights 1, Pattern 6: 66, 68, 44, 100, 22
35. Tights 1, Pattern 38: -85, 100, 42, 63, 18
36. Tights 1, Pattern 6: 61, 56, 44, 100, 5
37. Underwear 5, Pattern 38: 82, 100, 63, 50
38. Knee Pads 6: -100, 0, -70, 100
39. Knee Pads 5: -100, 30, 16, 100
40. Wristbands 1: -26, -100, 0, 100, 13
41. Shoes 6, Pattern 38: 93, 100, 53
42. Hats 8 (stylize to the blue one): -100, -1, 100
43. Tops> Clothes > Shirt 2 (stylize to the tight light blue one, tucked in): -100, 15, 23, 100, 9 * entrance and cutscene only
44. Tops > Logos > Front, WWE 29, Largest H, 2nd Largest V, place on chest as seen in help pics: 67, 0, 0, 100 * entrance and cutscene only
45. Copy previous pattern, place on back as seen in help pics: 67, 0, 0, 100 * entrance and cutscene only
46. Copy previous pattern, rotate twice, make smallest V and place above previous pattern as seen in help pics: 67, 0, 0, 100 *set as entrance and cutscene only
47. Belt 17: 100, 100, 73, 100
48. Tops > Logos > Back, Design 97, rotate once, Largest H, 2nd Smallest V, place on back on top of belt as seen in help pics: -100, 31, 49, 100
49. Copy previous pattern, move to other side of belt as seen in help pics: -100, 41, 49, 100
50. Copy previous pattern and move to center of back of belt as seen in help pics: -100, 41, 49, 100 (these three are to make the thicker part of the back of his belt)
51. Tops > Logos > Back, Alphabet Page 4, H, 2nd Smallest H, Smallest V, place on top of back of belt as seen in help pics: 66, 53, 100, 100
52. Tops > Logos > Back, Alphabet Page 4, O, 2nd Smallest H, Smallest V, place on top of back of belt as seen in help pics: 66, 53, 100, 100
53. Tops > Logos > Back, Alphabet Page 8, F, rotate once, Largest H, 2nd Smallest V, place on top of back of belt as seen in help pics: 66, 53, 100, 100
54. Tops > Logos > Back, Alphabet Page 5, Y, 2nd Smallest H, Smallest V, place on top of back of belt as seen in help pics: 66, 53, 100, 100
55. Tops > Logos > Back, Alphabet Page 5, W, 2nd Smallest H, Smallest V, place on top of back of belt as seen in help pics: 66, 53, 100, 100
56. Tops > Logos > Back, Numeral Page 2, the last 8, rotate three times, 2nd Largest H, Smallest V, place on top of back of belt as seen in help pics: 66, 53, 100, 100
57. Tops > Logos > Back, Alphabet Page 4, D, 2nd Smallest H, Smallest V, place on top of back of belt as seen in help pics: 66, 53, 100, 100
58. Tops > Logos > Back, Signs Page 5, 5th column, 3rd row, Largest H, 2nd Smallest V, place on buckle area of belt as seen in help pics: -25, -100, 7, 100
59. Bottoms > Logos > Right Leg, WWE 33, 2nd Largest H, Smallest V, place on side of boot as seen in help pics: 82, 50, 7, 100
60. Bottoms > Logos > Right Leg, Design 25, rotate three times, 2nd Largest H, Smallest V, place on side of boot as seen in help pics: 72, 48, 70, 100
61. Bottoms > Logos > Right Leg, Alphabet Page 13, U, rotate twice, Largest H, Smallest V, place on side of boot as seen in help pics: make white on color palette.
62-64. Repeat 59-61 on other boot


Hollywood Hulk Hogan (nWo Lightning tights attire) - SvR07
By WolfgangJT


Help pics zip file:

Start with face model 12 - default model (delete all layers past 10)

Head: 0, 0, 0
Forehead: 0, -65, 27, -55

Eyebrows: -2, 36, -100, 19
Eyes: -11, -23, 1, 62, -35, -23, -38
Nose: 44, -89, 76, -12, 61, -47, -20, -30
Cheek: 0, 9, 34, -32
Mouth: 100, -62, -16, -45, -4, 31, -53
Jaw: -41, 45, 42, 9, 100, -45
Ears: 28, -100, -100, 50
Age: 37

Body Type: -39
Neck: 0, 6, 34
Chest: 25, -3, 69
Shoulder: -22, 57, -68
Abdomen: -44, 53, 38
Waist: 35, 1
Arms: 0, 34, 51
Hands: 0, 0, 0
Legs: 7, -9, 0
Feet: 0, 0, 0

Body Height: 6'7"
Weight: 302 lbs

1. Body Skin 5: 88, 2, -6, 36
2. Face Skin 11
3. Eyes 2: 41, -53, -16
4. Eyebrows 18: 89, -12, -8
5. Eyelashes 1: 87, -62, 0
6. Lips 27: 88, -20, 21
7. Teeth: default
8. Hair 43: 89, 21, 2 (better for length, bandana stays on) or Hair 42: 89, 22, 22
9. Body Hair 1: None
10. Underwear: 6 (color doesn't matter)

H=Horizontal, V=Vertical:

11. Makeup 19: 90, -41, -38, 100
12. Headwear > Logos > WWE 19, 2nd Largest H, Smallest V, place on top of upper lip area as seen in help pics: -19, 25, 0, 79
13. Headwear > Logos > Design 99, 2nd Smallest H, Largest V, place on cheek area as seen in help pics: 88, -64, 44, 12
14. Headwear > Logos > Design 99, Smallest H, Largest V, place on cheek area as seen in help pics: 88, -52, 7, 50
15. Copy previous design, move to other side of face as shown in help pics: 88, -53, 8, 57
16. Headwear > Logos > Design 93, rotate twice, Smallest H, Largest V, place on side of mouth as seen in help pics: 83, -70, 88, 100
17. Copy previous design, move to other side of face as shown in help pics: 83, -70, 88, 100
18. Headwear > Logos > Design 97, 2nd Smallest H, 2nd Largest V, place over and below previous designs as seen in help pics to finish the lower part of what will be the moustache: 83, -70, 88, 100
19. Copy previous design, move to other side of face as shown in help pics: 83, -70, 88, 100
20. Moustache 4: 83, -40, 56, 100
21. Sideburns 16: 89, -33, -30, 27
22. Makeup 27: 89, 3, 4, 22
23. Goatee 2: 89, -39, -11, 69
24. Headwear > Logos > Design 100, Smallest H, 2nd Smallest V, place on face to create the mouth lines as seen in help pics (lower tip should just touch at the corner of the moustache): 88, -57, 14, 89
25. Copy previous design, rotate once, move to other side of face as shown in help pics: 88, -57, 14, 89
26. Makeup 62: 93, -4, 5, 70
27. Headwear > Logos > Design 94, rotate twice, 2nd Smallest H, Smallest V, place on chin as seen in help pics: 88, -56, 38, 4
28. Headwear > Glasses 4: -100, -100, 4 * entrance and cutscene only
29. Tights 1, Pattern 1: -13, -78, -74, 100, 100
30. Hats 8 (stylize to the blue one): -13, -77, -60
31. Tops> Clothes > Shirt 2 (stylize to the tight light blue one, tucked in): -13, -76, -59, 100, 5 *set as entrance and cutscene only
32. Tops > Logos > Front, WWE 45, Largest H, 2nd Largest V, place on chest as seen in help pics: 100, 0, 0, 100 *set as entrance and cutscene only
33. Body Art > Body Tattoos > Leg Tattoo 35: -18, -19, 0, 100
34. Body Art > Body Tattoos > Leg Tattoo 121: -18, -20, 8, 67
35. Body Art > Body Tattoos > Leg Tattoo 31: -18, -100, -28, 100
36. Bottoms > Logos > Right Leg, Design 16, Smallest H, Largest V, place on side of leg as seen in help pics: -18, -86, 78, 100
37. Torso > Logos > Letters > Chinese Page 7, 5th column, 2nd row, rotate twice, Smallest H, Largest V, place on side of hip as seen in help pics: white on color palette
38. Torso > Logos > Design 43, rotate three times, Smallest H and V, place on side of hip below previous pattern as seen in help pics: -18, -86, 78, 100
39. Torso > Logos > Design 30, rotate once, 2nd Smallest H and V, place on side of hip over Chinese symbol as seen in help pics: -18, -86, 78, 100
40. Bottoms > Logos > Right Leg > Design 98, Smallest H, 2nd Largest V, place on leg to shape up lightning as seen in help pics: -18, -100, -26, 100
41. Bottoms > Logos > Right Leg > Design 30, Smallest H and V, place on side of leg to connect the lightning streaks at the fork-out as seen in help pics: -18, -86, 78, 100
42-47. Repeat layers 36-40 on other leg.
48. Belt 17: 100, 0, 0, 100
49. Tops > Logos > Back, Design 97, rotate once, Largest H, 2nd Smallest V, place on back on top of belt as seen in help pics: -100, -100, -12, 100
50. Copy previous pattern, move to other side of belt as seen in help pics: -100, -100 -15, 100
51. Copy previous pattern and move to center of back of belt as seen in help pics: -100, -100 -15, 100 (these three are to make the thicker part of the back of his belt)
52. Tops > Logos > Back, Alphabet Page 4, H, 2nd Smallest H, Smallest V, place on top of back of belt as seen in help pics: white on color palette
53. Tops > Logos > Back, Alphabet Page 4, O, 2nd Smallest H, Smallest V, place on top of back of belt as seen in help pics: white on color palette
54. Tops > Logos > Back, Alphabet Page 8, F, rotate once, Largest H, 2nd Smallest V, place on top of back of belt as seen in help pics: white on color palette
55. Tops > Logos > Back, Alphabet Page 5, Y, 2nd Smallest H, Smallest V, place on top of back of belt as seen in help pics: white on color palette
56. Tops > Logos > Back, Alphabet Page 5, W, 2nd Smallest H, Smallest V, place on top of back of belt as seen in help pics: white on color palette
57. Tops > Logos > Back, Numeral Page 2, the last 8, rotate three times, 2nd Largest H, Smallest V, place on top of back of belt as seen in help pics: white on color palette
58. Tops > Logos > Back, Alphabet Page 4, D, 2nd Smallest H, Smallest V, place on top of back of belt as seen in help pics: white on color palette
59. Shoes 6, Pattern 38: -7, 25, -18
60. Bottoms > Logos > Right Leg, WWE 33, 2nd Largest H, Smallest V, place on side of boot as seen in help pics: 82, 49, 6, 42
61. Repeat previous layer on other boot.
62. Gloves 7: -31, -84, -62, 100
63. Armwear > Logos > Right Arm > Design 97, rotate once, 2nd Smallest H, Smallest V, place on top of glove as seen in help pics:88, -53, 31, 100
64. Armwear > Logos > Left Arm > Design 97, rotate once, 2nd Smallest H, Smallest V, place on top of glove as seen in help pics:88, -52, 28, 100
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[quote name='XxfearxX' post='1627433' date='Apr 7 2007, 11:33 PM']damn this is very nice, im just going to stop making mine too and go with this one, why dont you convert this to mr.america[/quote]

I've been thinking about doing that, actually, seeing the theme song to match is in game...just gotta get the other formulas to-be-typed out of the way so I can get more of a chance to work more things...don't want too much on my plate at one time.

And for those that asked.....I have a Brock Lesnar update next, then MVP and DX Gunn and Jericho, all 4 previewed already. If you want the quick way to see any you missed, place your cursor on my screnname in the topics, it will make a box around it (does in IE at least).....left click on the triangle to the right of it....a list will come up....go to "Find Member's Topics"...that will giive you a list of all the topics I've created....so you can search through that for what you may have missed. :)
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Damn Wolf, THQ has got to pick you up for the next game. Just awesome, no flaws I can see at all. You think you'll stay with the 360 or you think you'll go to the PS3 when the next game comes out? Either way, awesome stuff, not just the Hogan, but everything you've put out this year.
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Just awesome as always Wolfgang, and thanks again for taking the time in typing these formulas up as I know that they can be a real pain and can be very time consuming.

btw just wondering how's the next formula on your list that you'll be typing, Brock Lesnar Update or Chris Jericho.
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