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BHANGRA MAN'S Big Undertaker Collection NOW with OLD SCHOOL TAKER FORMULA (+ WM23, Ministry and Big Evil formulas and pics)(UPDATED TOPIC 1st post)


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[b]NEW EDIT 17/6/2007[/b]
Finally after a month I managed to complete my formula for old school taker DEBUT LOOK formula with updated sleeves pics as well posted below. Next is Phantom taker in the collection series and that will be up sometime between AJ Styles collaboration with Wolfie and my other new caw. So hopefully within three weeks


[b]NEW EDIT : 14/5/2007[/b]

Well I guess by now we all know my next caw was Haas.. Anyways I have also done old school taker as promised so the collection continues with only Phantom taker to be done. Pics below of old school taker. Hope you guys like.. if so then I will get formula up soon

[i][b]Also as always thanks to Wolfie for suggestions and ideas and especially for pointing out the fork like designs that he has near the eyes in real life[/b][/i].

[b]NEW EDIT : 29/4/2007[/b]

Well finally the one that has been requested the most.. Big Evil Undertaker is up. [i][b]As far as the next question.. I wont reveal who my next new caw wrestler is yet. I am tweaking away and pics will be up within 10 to 12 days. I wont reveal the new caw wrestler until I am ready and feel the caw is ready.[/b][/i]

Phantom taker pics will also be up soon. Not sure if I will make Bad Ass since facially its the same as WM23 but with make up 54 change from Big Evil and a bandana. Also attire can easily be made.

[b]However I will make old School Undertaker from when he debuted and hope to put pics of that up soon in this topic also maybe in the next 14 days

PS Credit to Wolfie for the shirt poofiness trick .. ie using two different tops [/b]

NEW EDIT: 17/4/2007

Just to say ministry formula is now up. Reason why formula is in quite logical order is.. that I tried to keep some layers that were carried over from current undertaker formula in the same place .. that way I didnt have to repeat the complex facial design on nose and cheeks on a new help pic. Anyways hope you guys like.. if any errors please tell me.

Also layer 54 for undertaker is now up. Enjoy

NEW EDIT: 14/4/2007


There are two variations. On the right is Wolfies shirt variation with two designs for the writing so that the pants has the design. On the other variation ( on the left) is mine the BIG EVIL is written out on the pics on the left but the pants are plain. The SARA tatoo on mine will be added. [b]Both versions are similar obviously just different options because I wasnt sure if plain pants or logo pants would be better and Wolfie came up with a great idea[/b]:)

Anyways Both versions will be typed out :), thanks to Wolfie for the two shirt layer trick adding extra poofiness to the shirt



I am not at my Xbox 360 most of today and from Monday to Wednesday I wont be around I am on a mini holiday. So please keep the topic going and Wolfie please post any correction to formula in my absence and my recent formula if you can with all the settings. As I hope Wolfie still has my most recent formula :)

Thanks again Wolfie, its appreciated a lot[/i]

Also thanks for Wolfie for the awesome pics and as always for feedback.

Now included are the attire pics of taker with tatoos and big evil taker face

Also Now are included the Ministry taker face the road doggy hair is used to show the face better. I may or may not change hair later as there are very few options there. Also please note the pic quality as for ministry taker I took the pics with my capt card and it is not that good occasionally widens the pics as well but I can't get a new capt card just now. Hopefully Wolfie will have new pics of my normal taker with body shots with the formula I sent soon.. along with short haired taker face pics.

Please note ministry taker skin color is just a tad paler and brigther then the normal taker skin color so if it seems more different then that then thats my capt card.

Hopefully you guys like the ministry taker pics as well as the attire , figs of normal taker and short haired taker. I hope to get formula for ministry up next week sunday on ministry [/b]

Thanks to Wolfie for feedback, pointers and suggestions. Also thanks to Wolfie for pics of the face of my caw lol as my cap card is so dodgy ..I cant rely on it for decent pics all the time as it barely picks up the Xbox 360. Need a new one..so yes that means I do have a face formula right now but I wont post it just yet in case additonal edits are made.

I hope you guys give positive comments of the caw as always. I have worked hard on this. Please note the tatoos are not done yet. and it be at least a week to 10 days before I post full formulas for one version of taker as I am also working on Phantom taker, bad ass taker and ministry taker and maybe big evil taker. I dont have as much as time as I used to so please be patient. I will post body pics of this and hopefully ministry within the next 10 days or so hopefully as long you guys want it.

So here it goes:


















Current taker
Start with face model 6

Head: -3, -4, 43
Forehead: -16, 77, -53, -37

Eyebrows: -61, 16, -21, 20 for eyebrows 40, for eyebrows : 9 (current one in pics) -79,19,-21,29
Eyes: -16, 50, 4, -100, 63, 0, -24
Nose: -3, -26, -20, -16, -7, -34, -41, 6
Cheek: -47, 49, -21, -16
Mouth: 100, -31, -72, 14, 58, 7, -78
Jaw: 7, 61, 50, -25, 31, 58
Ears: 49, 7, -69, 32
Age: 50

Body Type: -57

Neck: 17, 5, 5
Chest: 0, -32, 4
Shoulder: -70, 8, -36
Abdomen: 0, 36, 44
Waist: 8, 28
Arms: 79, -22, -40
Hands: 0, 0, 0
Legs: 13, -42, -45
Feet: -8, 0, 16

Body Height: 7’2” (All the way up. Needed to reach the height of the in-game Undertaker)

1. Body Skin 4: 92, 1, -3, 0
2. Face Skin 12
3. Eyes 4: 36, -44, -19
4. Eyebrows 40: 88, -7, 12 or eyebrows 9: 89,0,0
5. Eyelashes: 6, 87,0,0
6. Lips 2, 96,-15,0
7. Teeth: default
8. Hair 43: 91, 61, -51 (hat will cover the top area)
9. Default
10. Underwear 3 (just needs to be changed to allow any additional underwear to be placed later in list).
11. Makeup 19 (stylize 1 right from default…cheek/neck one): 89, -29, 100, 100
12. Headwear: Design 90, largest horizontal and vertical, place on nose as seen in help pic: 92, -20, 0, 0
13. Headwear: Design 97, 2nd smallest horizontal, 2nd largest vertical, place on cheek area just to the side of the nose as seen in help pic: 92, -31, 1, 0
14. Copy previous pattern, put on other side of face as seen in help pic: 92, -38, 44, 0
15. Headwear: Design 100, smallest horizontal, 2nd largest vertical, place on cheek area just to the side of the nose as seen in help pic: 92, -60, 100, 0
16. Copy previous pattern, rotate once, put on other side of face as seen in help pic: 92, -38, 44, 0
17. Headwear: Design: 99, rotate once, smallest horizontal, largest vertical, place on tip of nose to make the ball tip, see help pic : 92, -53, 54, 7
18.other facial hair : 4, 89,0,8,100
19.goatee: 4, 90,0,-2,100
20.other facial hair16: 90, 0,-11,100
21. other facial hair 25: 86,8, 0, 55
22. mustache: 1, 89,-11,14,60
23. Headwear: Design: 118, rotate twice, smallest horizontal and vertical, place on side of goatee so that it sits low enough to branch out and extend to the lower sides, see help pic: 89, 34, -8, 47
24. Copy previous pattern, move to other side of face to extend the other side of the facial hair: 89, 34, -8, 47
25. Headwear: Sign Page 3/6, 4th row, 4th column “I I”, 2nd largest horizontal and vertical, place on upper lip area ie cleft area, see help pic: 92, -47, 0, 23
26. Headwear: Design: 43, 2nd smallest horizontal and vertical, place on eyebrow area for age detailing, see help pic: 92, -27, -9, 0
27. Makeup 53: 92, -6, 1, 87
28. Makeup 54: 91, 0, 0, 54
29. Makeup 22 (stylise to the one around the eyes): 92, -37, 75, 100
30. Makeup 19: 92, -27, 6, 91
31. Makeup 32: 92, -68, 58, 100
32. Headwear: Design: 100, smallest horizontal, 2nd largest vertical, place on side of nose for nose to facial hair line, see help pic : 92, -21, -1, 1
33. Copy previous pattern, rotate once, place on other side of nose for nose to facial hair line, see help pic : 92, -21, -2, 1
34. sideburns 88, 12, -23, 100
35. Costume 13: -13, 100, -63, 100
36. Underwear 1
37. Shoes 7, make black and make them around same color as tights black
38. Elbow Pads 2: -13, -100, 60, 100
39. Design 99 ,(92, -57, 20, 100 )(make same color as arm skin and place on back of elbow pad between the bend of the elbow and the top of the pad)
40. Gloves 7: -13, -100, -57, 100
41.) Wristbands: 21: -25, -100, -61, 100, 12

42.) to 43.) WWE: Design: 18(THE ROYAL RUMBLE LOGO), rotate twice, 2nd biggest horizontal scaling, second smallest vertical scaling, place one on each wristband/glove as seen in pics: -86, -17, 0, 45

44.) to 45.)
Logos, leg, WWE 30, biggest horiz, second smallest vert, place on leg so that the bottom of design is placed above the knee as seen in pics: (100, -72, -63, 86 for WM23 gray) (100, 100, -21, 86 for red) (100, -100, 16, 86 for white)

46.) to 47.)
Logos, Design: 97, right leg, rotate once, second smallest horiz, smallest vert, place over lettering of Phenom symbol centered as best as possible between horns, this is so that there is no writing above the phenom symbol: -18, -100, -19, 100

48. Coat 2: -17, -100, -65 (entrance and cutscene only)
49. Hat 9 (stylize two left from default (1 right of the tan one))

50.) arm tattoo: 74 (right arm) -18,-100,-43, 4
51.) arm tattoo: 67 right arm , -18,-100,-80,6
52.) arm tattoo: both arms: 141,-18,-100,-3,7
53.)arm tattoo: both arms: 25, -18, -100,-15,4
54.)wwe: design 116, right arm: 67, -100,0,17 second biggest horizontal, second biggest vertical, rotate 3 times, place on back of arm in the middle where the elbow pad would be
55.) arm tattoo: 144, left arm, -18,-100,-31,9
56.)arm tattoo: 118, left arm, -18, -100, -22, 11
57.)arm tattoo: 48, left arm, -100, -42, -21, 7
58.) arm tattoo: right arm, 47, -18,-100,-42, 5
59.)design wwe: 34, right arm, smallest vertical and horizontal, place inside forearm, -98,0,0,18

60.)to 63.) (the SARA tattoo) Torso, Logos, Alphabet: Page 6 for all, all of these letters are smallest horizontal, smallest vertical, place on torso as high as it will go before they hide behind the neck area. Have the spacing between the first A and the R be the centered horizontally as seen in the pics: -27, -100, -72, 28

64.) Design: 43, torso, rotate twice, smallest vert, largest horiz, Place all the way or almost all the way up the torso so it splits/ branches out to one part to each side of the neck: -18, -100, -100, 6


[b]BHANGRA MAN'S Ministry Undertaker Formula[/b]




Ministry Undertaker

Start with face model 6

Head: -3, -2, 43
Forehead: -16, 77, -53, -37

Eyebrows: eyebrows : 9 (current one in pics) -78,21,-21,19 OR 29
Eyes: -16, 50, 4, -100, 63, 0, -24
Nose: -3, -26, -20, -16, -7, -34, -41, 6
Cheek: -47, 49, -21, -16
Mouth: 100, -31, -72, 14, 58, 7, -78
Jaw: 72, 16, 49, -25, -9, 58
Ears: 49, 7, -69, 32
Age: 50

Body Type: -57

Neck: 17, 5, 5
Chest: 0, -32, 4
Shoulder: -70, 8, -36
Abdomen: 0, 36, 44
Waist: 8, 28
Arms: 79, -22, -40
Hands: 0, 0, 0
Legs: 13, -42, -45
Feet: -8, 0, 16

Body Height: 7’2" (All the way up. Needed to reach the height of the in-game Undertaker)

1. Body Skin 4: 92, 0, 0, 0
2. Face Skin 12
3. Eyes 4: 36, -44, -19
4. Eyebrows 40: 88, -7, 12 or eyebrows 9: 89,0,0
5. Eyelashes: 6, 87,0,0
6. Lips 2, 96,-15,0
7. Teeth: default
8. Hair 13, color to suit yourself, or default black
9. Default
10. Underwear 3 (just needs to be changed to allow any additional underwear to be placed later in list).
11.) Make up: 27, 92, 0,4,100
12. ) Headwear: Design 90, largest horizontal and vertical, place on nose as seen in help pic: 92, -20, 0, 0
13. Headwear: Design 97, 2nd smallest horizontal, 2nd largest vertical, place on cheek area just to the side of the nose as seen in help pic: 92, -31, 1, 0
14. Copy previous pattern, put on other side of face as seen in help pic: 92, -38, 44, 0
15. Headwear: Design 100, smallest horizontal, 2nd largest vertical, place on cheek area just to the side of the nose as seen in help pic: 92, -60, 100, 0
16. Copy previous pattern, rotate once, put on other side of face as seen in help pic: 92, -38, 44, 0
17. Headwear: Design: 99, rotate once, smallest horizontal, largest vertical, place on tip of nose to make the ball tip, see help pic : 92, -53, 54, 7
18.)Goatee: 8/13: 89, -29, -5, 100
19.) Headwear: Design: 92, smallest horizontal, second smallest vertical, place on tip of facial near mouth see help pic, 92,-55, 32, 61
20.) Copy previous piece and put it on either side of facial hair, see help pic, 92,-55,32,61
21.) Headwear: Design: 120, biggest horizontal, smallest vertical, place on base of facial hair on chin see help pic, 90,47,-29,57
22.) Headwear: WWE: 23, smallest horizontal and vertical to complete facial hair, see help pic, 99,-86,-86,100
23.) Makeup 19 (stylize 1 right from default…cheek/neck one): 89, -29, 100, 100
24.) Gloves 7: -13, -100, -57, 100
25.)Moustache 1: 89, -5, 21, 2 , don’t worry I am creating cleft here this will make sense on layer 36 and 37
26. Headwear: Design: 43, 2nd smallest horizontal and vertical, place on eyebrow area for age detailing, see help pic: 92, -27, -9, 0
27. Makeup 53: 92, -6, 1, 87
28. Makeup 54: 91, 0, 0, 54
29. Makeup 22 (stylise to the one around the eyes): 92, -37, 75, 100
30. Makeup 19: 92, -27, 6, 91
31. Makeup 32: 92, -68, 58, 100
32. Headwear: Design: 100, smallest horizontal, 2nd largest vertical, place on side of nose for nose to facial hair line, see help pic : 92, -21, -1, 1
33. Copy previous pattern, rotate once, place on other side of nose for nose to facial hair line, see help pic : 92, -21, -2, 1
34. sideburns 88, 12, -23, 100
35. Costume 13: -13, 100, -63, 100
36.) Face > Design 103, 2nd smallest Horiz, smallest Vert, place centered horizontally on upper lip area between nose and mouth (have it touch to the edge of the lips): -92, -55, 40, 59
37.) Face > Design 99, 2nd smallest Horiz, smallest V, center horizontally over the last design in center area between nose and mouth (make sure there is a slight space between the lip and the design so that there is a small lighter section below it (creates the full look of a cleft): 92, -39, 21, 29

38.) Shoes 7, make black and make them around same color as tights black

39.)Elbow Pads 2: Both arms,-13, -100, 60, 100

40.)Mens Clothes, 11 :-13, -77, -65, stylize first to the one with short sleeves and then stylize to one that either makes the length short and fits to the waist only or stylize to the longer top and hangs a little below the waist, either is fine
41.) Headgear: WWE Design: 23, smallest horizontal, smallest vertical, place on eyebrows, see help pic, 99,-34,-70,100
42.)Headgear: WWE Design: 23, smallest horizontal, smallest vertical, place on eyebrows, see help pic, 99,-34,-70,100
43.)Torso: WWE Design: 12, biggest horizontal, second smallest vertical, place on chest, this is to help make the two straps on the on top, see help pic, -14,-88,-7,90
44.) Copy previous piece, place below it , see help pic, -14,-88,-7,90
45.) Torso, Design: 103,rotate once, second biggest horizontal, smallest vertical, -18,-100,-17,100, see help pic place in between previous patterns to cover the top part of design on layer 44
46.)torso: design: 99, rotate once, second biggest horizontal,second smallest vertical, place on chest see help pic, -18,-100,-18,100
47.)Torso: WWE: 8, rotate once,second smallest vertical, second biggest horizontal, place on left shoulder blade,this makes the design on shoulder pad area see help pic, 87,-100, -48, 100
48.) Torso: WWE: 8, rotate once,second smallest vertical, second biggest horizontal, place on other shoulder blade, this makes the design on shoulder pad area, see help pic, 87,-100, -48, 100
49.) Torso: WWE: 8, rotate three times,second smallest vertical, second biggest horizontal, place on left shoulder blade WHERE LAYER 47 is but place a little below it and overlapping and merging so that the writing on this design is much less obvious, see help pic, 87,-100, -48, 100

50.) arm tattoo: 74 (right arm) -18,-100,-43, 4
51.) arm tattoo: 67 right arm , -18,-100,-80,6
52.) arm tattoo: both arms: 141,-18,-100,-3,7
53.)arm tattoo: both arms: 25, -18, -100,-15,4
54.)wwe: design 116, right arm: 67, -100,0,17 second biggest horizontal, second biggest vertical, rotate 3 times, place on back of arm in the middle where the elbow pad would be
55.) arm tattoo: 144, left arm, -18,-100,-31,9
56.)arm tattoo: 118, left arm, -18, -100, -22, 11
57.)arm tattoo: 48, left arm, -100, -42, -21, 7
58.) arm tattoo: right arm, 47, -18,-100,-42, 5
59.)design wwe: 34, right arm, smallest vertical and horizontal, place inside forearm, -98,0,0,18

60.) Torso: WWE: 8, rotate three times,second smallest vertical, second biggest horizontal, place on left shoulder blade WHERE LAYER 48 is but place a little below it and overlapping and merging so that the writing on this design is much less obvious see help pic, 87,-100, -48, 100

61.)Torso: Design: WWE : 38 rotate 3*, smallest vertical, second smallest horizontal, Place on one end of layer 43 ,this is the forks on the straps on top, see help pic,100,-100, -54, 100
62.) Torso: Design: WWE : 38 rotate 3*, smallest vertical, second smallest horizontal, Place on other end of layer 43, this is the forks on the straps on top ,see help pic,100,-100, -54, 100
63) Torso: Design: WWE : 38 rotate 3*, smallest vertical, second smallest horizontal, Place on other end of layer 44, see help pic, this is the forks on the straps on top ,100,-100, -54, 100
64.)Torso: Design: WWE : 38 rotate 3*, smallest vertical, second smallest horizontal, Place on other end of layer 44, see help pic, this is the forks on the straps on top 100,-100, -54, 100


[b]Big Evil Undertaker


Start with face model 6

Morphing head: -2,-4, 43
Forehead: 41, 84, -52, -37

Eyebrows: (current one in pics) -79,19,-21,29
Eyes: -16, 50, 4, -100, 63, 0, -24
Nose: -3, -26, -20, -16, -7, -34, -41, 6
Cheek: -47, 49, -21, -16
Mouth: 100, -31, -72, 14, 58, 7, -78
Jaw: 7, 61, 50, -25, 31, 58
Ears: 49, 7, -69, 32
Age: 50

Body Type: -57

Neck: 17, 5, 5
Chest: 0, -32, 4
Shoulder: -70, 8, -36
Abdomen: 0, 36, 44
Waist: 8, 28
Arms: 79, -22, -40
Hands: 0, 0, 0
Legs: 13, -42, -45
Feet: -8, 0, 16

Body Height: 7’2” (All the way up. Needed to reach the height of the in-game Undertaker)

1. Body Skin 4: 92, 1, -3, 0
2. Face Skin 12
3. Eyes 4: 36, -44, -19
4. Eyebrows 9: 89,0,0
5. Eyelashes: 6, 87,0,0
6. Lips 2, 96,-15,0
7. Teeth: default
8. Hair: 15, -100, 15, -21

9. Default
10. Underwear 3 (just needs to be changed to allow any additional underwear to be placed later in list).
11. Makeup 19 (stylize 1 right from default…cheek/neck one): 89, -29, 100, 100
12. Headwear: Design 90, largest horizontal and vertical, place on nose as seen in help pic: 92, -20, 0, 0
13. Headwear: Design 97, 2nd smallest horizontal, 2nd largest vertical, place on cheek area just to the side of the nose as seen in help pic: 92, -31, 1, 0
14. Copy previous pattern, put on other side of face as seen in help pic: 92, -38, 44, 0
15. Headwear: Design 100, smallest horizontal, 2nd largest vertical, place on cheek area just to the side of the nose as seen in help pic: 92, -60, 100, 0
16. Copy previous pattern, rotate once, put on other side of face as seen in help pic: 92, -38, 44, 0
17. Headwear: Design: 99, rotate once, smallest horizontal, largest vertical, place on tip of nose to make the ball tip, see help pic : 92, -53, 54, 7
18.other facial hair : 4, 89,0,8,100
19.goatee: 4, 90,0,-2,100
20.other facial hair16: 90, 0,-11,100
21. other facial hair 25: 86,8, 0, 55
22. mustache: 1, 89,-11,14,60
23. Headwear: Design: 118, rotate twice, smallest horizontal and vertical, place on side of goatee so that it sits low enough to branch out and extend to the lower sides, see help pic: 89, 34, -8, 47
24. Copy previous pattern, move to other side of face to extend the other side of the facial hair: 89, 34, -8, 47
25. Headwear: Sign Page 3/6, 4th row, 4th column ‘I I’, 2nd largest horizontal and vertical, place on upper lip area ie cleft area, see help pic: 92, -47, 0, 23
26. Headwear: Design: 43, 2nd smallest horizontal and vertical, place on eyebrow area for age detailing, see help pic: 92, -27, -9, 0
27. Makeup 53: 92, -6, 1, 87
28. Makeup 54: 91, 0, 0, 54
29. Makeup 22 (stylise to the one around the eyes): 92, -37, 75, 100
30. Makeup 19: 92, -27, 6, 91
31. Makeup 32: 92, -68, 58, 100
32. Headwear: Design: 100, smallest horizontal, 2nd largest vertical, place on side of nose for nose to facial hair line, see help pic : 92, -21, -1, 1
33. Copy previous pattern, rotate once, place on other side of nose for nose to facial hair line, see help pic : 92, -21, -2, 1
34. sideburns: 12; ( I think ) 88, 12, -23, 100

35. Mens Bottoms: 30
36. Tops : 18, -13, -78, -74
37. tops: 2, -26,-100,-50,100,10
38. Shoes 7, make black and make them around same color as tights black
39.) Torso: Alphabet: Page 1, ‘I’, second smallest horizontal, second smallest vertical, see help pic, make white
40.) Torso: Alphabet: Page 1, ‘G’, smallest vertical and horizontal, make white, see help pic
41.) Torso: Alphabet: Page 1, ‘I’, second smallest vertical and horizontal, make white see help pic
42.) Torso: wwe: design: Torso: 30, phenom logo, second biggest horizontal, second smallest vertical, 100, 0,0,100 , see help pic
43.) Torso: design: 137, smallest horizontal, second smallest vertical, rotate 1*, 15,41,0,100, one of flames see help pic
44.) Torso: design 137: rotate 2*, see help pic
45.) Torso: Alphabet Page : 1, ‘B’: smallest horizontal, second smallest vertical, make white
46.) Torso: Alphabet Page : 1, E: smallest vertical and horizontal, make white,
47.) Torso: Alphabet Page : 1, V: smallest vertical and horizontal
48.) Torso: Alphabet Page : 1, L: second smallest horizontal and vertical, make white

49.) Torso: wwe: design: 29, rotate 28, HULKAMANIA LOGO, second largest horizontal, second smallest vertical, 67, -86, 100,

50.) arm tattoo: 74 (right arm) -18,-100,-43, 4
51.) arm tattoo: 67 right arm , -18,-100,-80,6
52.) arm tattoo: both arms: 141,-18,-100,-3,7
53.)arm tattoo: both arms: 25, -18, -100,-15,4
54.)wwe: design 116, right arm: 67, -100,0,17 second biggest horizontal, second biggest vertical, rotate 3 times, place on back of arm in the middle where the elbow pad would be
55.) arm tattoo: 144, left arm, -18,-100,-31,9
56.)arm tattoo: 118, left arm, -18, -100, -22, 11
57.)arm tattoo: 48, left arm, -100, -42, -21, 7
58.) arm tattoo: right arm, 47, -18,-100,-42, 5
59.)design wwe: 34, right arm, smallest vertical and horizontal, place inside forearm, -98,0,0,18

60.) (the SARA tattoo) Torso, Logos, Alphabet: Page 6 ‘S’, smallest horizontal, smallest vertical, place on torso as high as it will go before it hides behind the neck area. Have a space between S and the next layer, be sure to centralize the next layer: -27, -100, -72, 28

61.) (SARA tattoo) Japanese, 5/11, first sign on page, rotate 1*,smallest horizontal, smallest vertical, 27, -100, -72, 28, place next to S with a little space, centralize this sign
62.) (the SARA tattoo) Torso, Logos, Alphabet: Page 6 , ‘A’, smallest horizontal, smallest vertical, place on torso as high as it will go before it hides behind the neck area: -27, -100, -72, 28

63.)Elbow Pads 2: only left, -13, -100, 60, 100
64.)Gloves 7: -13, -100, -57, 100

** You can delete layer 36 and have the SARA tattoo totally spelled out like WM23 taker, or delete layer 36 and have a head bandana.. The choice is yours




B.) FOR HELP WITH LAYERS 44,45, 49,50, 51


**Phenom Undertaker Debut look** [/b]

Current taker
Start with face model 6

Head: 0, -14, 43
Forehead: 59, -35, -63, -37

Eyebrows: -87, 47, -21,11
Eyes: -11, 49, 4, -100, 63, 0, -31
Nose: 9, -26, -21, -16, -7, -34, -41, 6
Cheek: -55, 49, -21, -16
Mouth: 100, -31, -72, 14, 58, 7, -78
[b]Jaw: -100, 5, 27, -2, 50, 58[/b]
Ears: 49, 7, -69, 32
Age: 5

Body Type: -57

( Don’t need to change figures as the clothes put on him make him look thin anyways)
Neck: 17, 5, 5
Chest: 0, -32, 4
Shoulder: -70, 8, -36
Abdomen: 0, 36, 44
Waist: 8, 28
Arms: 79, -22, -40
Hands: 0, 0, 0
Legs: 13, -42, -45
Feet: -8, 0, 16

Body Height: 7’2” (All the way up. Needed to reach the height of the in-game Undertaker)

1. Body Skin 4: 92, 1, -3, 0
2. Face Skin 12
3. Eyes 4: 36, -44, -19
4. Eyebrows 40: 88, -7, 12 or eyebrows 9: 89,0,0
5. Eyelashes: 6, 87,0,0
6. Lips 2, 96,-15,0
7. Teeth: default
8. Hair 43: 91, 61, -51 (hat will cover the top area)
9. Default
10. Underwear 3 (just needs to be changed to allow any additional underwear to be placed later in list).
11. Set to Entrance and cutscene only: hats 9, stylize one to the right
12.) Set to Entrance and cutscene only. This layers is to make the tie sit better on the clothes Clothes: 2, stylize to above waist, figure hugging, -26,-100,-46,100,10


13. Headwear: Design 97, 2nd smallest horizontal, 2nd largest vertical, place on cheek area just to the side of the nose as seen in help pic: 92, -35, 28, 2
14. Copy previous pattern, put on other side of face as seen in help pic: 92, -35, 28, 2
15. Headwear: Design 100, smallest horizontal, 2nd largest vertical, place on cheek area just to the side of the nose as seen in help pic: 92, -60, 100, 0
16. Copy previous pattern, rotate once, put on other side of face as seen in help pic: 92, -38, 62, 0
17. Headwear: Design: 99, rotate once, smallest horizontal, largest vertical, place on tip of nose to make the ball tip, see help pic : 92, -53, 50, 3
18.moustache: 1, 89, -2, 19,3
[b]19.tights :5,-100,-100,-72,100,68[/b]


20. Headwear: Sign Page 3/6, 4th row, 4th column “I I”, 2nd largest horizontal and vertical, place on upper lip area ie cleft area, see help pic: 92, -47, 0, 23

21.) Headwear: Design: 43, 2nd smallest horizontal and vertical, place on eyebrow area for age detailing, see help pic: 92, -27, -9, 0


22. Headwear: Design: 100, smallest horizontal, 2nd largest vertical, place on side of nose for nose to facial hair line, see help pic : 92, -23, 9, 1
23. )Copy previous pattern, rotate once, place on other side of nose for nose to facial hair line, see help pic : 92, -23, 9, 1
24.) Face paint: 71, (100,-100,70,4)
[b]25.)socks: 16, (-13,-100,-37)[/b]
26.)underwear: 1
27.) sideburns: 10, (89,0,0,100)
28.)sideburns: 3, (89,0,-5, 28)
29.)goatee: 12, (89,-14,47,49)
30.)goatee: 7, (89,0,0,19)
31.) Mens clothes: 11, stylize to one above waist again, -13,-100,-56,100
32.)gloves :2, -13,-100,-13,100

** We are now making the black bits on the socks,

33.) design: 123, right knee, smallest vertical, biggest horizontal, turn black, place on back of heel, SEE HELP PIC
34.) design :123, Copy previous layer and place in front of socks at the bottom , SEE HELP PIC
35.) Copy previous layer and place until it looks like the pics, Sorry cant be too exact I am just making the black parts of the socks at the bottom, SEE HELP PIC
36.) to 38.) Left knee, same as above but for other socks

** Now these socks look his boots from debut

39.) Set to entrance and cutscene, Coat: 6, -100,-100,-73
40.) Set to entrance and cutscene: Torso accessories: 2
41.) Make up: 19, (89,-28,100,100)
42.) Makeup 32: 92, -68, 58, 100
43.) Make up: 5, 100, 0, -30,6

44.) Face> Design> Logos: Letter> Alphabet: 1: V, place below left eye, rotate 2*(should be upside down V), biggest vertical, smallest horizontal, since I didn’t write it down when I done it originally its rough setting is: -60, -16,-34, 9
45.) Face> Design> Logos: Letter> Alphabet: 1: V, place below right eye, rotate 2*, (should be upside V)biggest vertical, smallest horizontal, Since I didn’t write it down when I done it originally its rough setting is: -60, -16,-34,9

46.) Make up: 46, (-46,10,-37,25)
47.) make up: 19, 92,-40,9,73
48.) make up: 19, 92, -39, 37,61
49.) Headwear: Design: 97. Smallest horizontal, second smallest vertical, place under left eye for eye bag, see help pic, -45, 5, -23, 14
50.) Copy previous piece and repeat for right eye
51.) Headgear: Design: 23, smallest horizontal, second biggest vertical, place just below mouth, 83, 13,-60, 60

Ok now time for ripped sleeves effect, for placement see help pic its three designs per sleeve,

52.) Right Arm: Design: 98, rotate 1*, for placement see help pic, second biggest horizontal, second smallest vertical, (-100, -96,-13,100)
53.) Right Arm: Design: 98, rotate 1* for placement see help pic, -100,-96,-13,100
54.) Right Arm: Design: 104, second smallest vertical, smallest horizontal, for placement see help pic (-100, -96, -13,100)

55 to 57

** Now repeat above for left arm and sleeve BUT NO NEED TO ROTATE LAYERS 52 AND 54
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that is amazing

and In your post you said your manking the phantom, bad ass and ministry Undertaker's. So my question to you is are you refering to undertaker with bike and long hair? Or are you one of the people that refer his short hair apperance as bad ass undertaker? If not then I have a question. So you think you will make big evil Undertaker?

Anyways, onc again this taker looks awesome. He is almost spot on. One thing is he migh need to be aged a little bit on the face, and teirs something else on him thats a minor twicke. Othe than that this looks awesome
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bad-ass = long haired w/bandana

big evil = short haired (which he mentioned that one as well in the post)

phantom = masked Taker

Ministry = well...Ministry..lol

and yep, looking good there Bhangra. Liked what I saw when I was taking the shot for you. :) Welcome Back to the caw scene, bro.
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[quote name='Smooth Criminal' post='1534379' date='Mar 23 2007, 02:51 PM']Phantom Taker ??
[b]I have heard of this but never saw a picture I have searched and cant find any can someone help ??[/b]

anyway I love this CAW it is amazing great work[/quote]

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I got the pics working again. Problem its hosted on geocities, I will try to upload it on image shack in a little while.

Also thanks for the comments thus far.

@NightStalkerX attire pics hopefully within the next 10 days :). Figures are done just want to work on other versions before I post more pics as I also want to have one formula up in next 10 days :) as long as you guys still want it :)
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[quote name='BHANGRA_MAN' post='1535065' date='Mar 23 2007, 04:45 PM']I got the pics working again. Problem its hosted on geocities, I will try to upload it on image shack in a little while.

Also thanks for the comments thus far.

@NightStalkerX attire pics hopefully within the next 10 days :). Figures are done just want to work on other versions before I post more pics as I also want to have one formula up in next 10 days :) as long as you guys still want it :)[/quote]
as long as we still want it :o ,as long as we still want it..i think you have the most wanted caw on the entire site its damn near perfect i cant wait for attire pics but i will theres no rush but seriosuly man this taker is great
photobucket link : [url="http://i119.photobucket.com/albums/o152/nightstalkerxx/bhangrataker1.jpg"]http://i119.photobucket.com/albums/o152/ni...angrataker1.jpg[/url]
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