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(Face might be a bit messy cause I'm not a pro at face shaping )





This CAW is mostly based on his July 9th attire [I say Mostly because somethings might be purposefully different]

Here's the Formula:


HEAD [again, I'm not the best at Shaping Faces lol, if you can please make a better Joe Hendry face and reply here so I can Update it]


Faces: Face 1

Skin>Texture & Color>

Texture: Option 1 / Color: 13  96  189  0

Hair: Option 20 / Color: 35  166  255

[the hair color is different, I chose his TNA Bright Blonde color but if you want to use the hair color he used in NXT just go all the way down in the Color Picker]


Eye Type: Option 1 / Color: 13  82  115

Eyelashes: Default

Eyebrows: Option 6 / Color: 17  116  66  0

[You can keep the Mouth part default]


(here Imma put what I did but if u know better about Face Shaping then go for it!)

Head: Default

Cranium: Default

Forehead: 5  0  0  0

Eyebrows: -100  0  -9 -24

Eyes: 9  -28 -28 -37  14  0  0

Nose: 0  11  -25 -1 -50 -27  3  -13

Cheeks: -7 -24  14  -4

Mouth: 10  -72  10  -3 -6 -8  26

Jaw: 8  1  12  9  -34 -4

Ears: Default

Facial Hair>Combinations>

Combinations 1: Option 3 / Color: 12  63  96

Combinations 2: Option 24 / Color: 12  63  96


Lipstick: Option 1 / Color: 5  95  204  0




Height:  6'2"

Size: Option 5 [Trust me the Body Shaping will save this]


Neck: -20 -26 -23

Chest: 0  4  4  48

Traps: 7  2  -2

Shoulders: 5  7  7

Abdomen: 0  5  2

Waist: 5  5


Arms: 0

Biceps: 1  0

Forearms: 4  2

Hands: 2  1  2


Legs: 0

Thighs: 0  4

Calves: 5  3

Feet: 0  5  0

Body Hair>Torso>

Body Hair: Option 7 / Color: 17  116  66

Body Hair>Arms>

Body Hair: Option 1 / Color: 13  94  115




Upper Body>Armwear>Arms & Wrists>Both Arms>

Arms & Wrists: Option 12 / Color: 161  0  215

Lower Body>Wrestling Tights>Tights>

Tights: Option 4 / Color: 161  0  235 / Length: 0

[it's hard to write here where exactly to put the logos so Imma put a picture of the Attire for y'all to have a base]


[You can either make that attire or another one from his TNA days or even create a Fantasy attire for him, it's your game, have fun with it :) ]

Knee Pads>Both Knees>

Knee Pads: Option 13 / Color: 0  255  230

Footwear>Boots & Shoes>

Boots & Shoes: Option 5 (Variation 2) / Color: 0  255 255


I hope y'all Liked it, Have Fun and Always BELIEVE IN JOE HENDRY!!

Edited by Manu Faustino
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