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Official WWE 2K23 Info/Discussion Thread

Jeb ★

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Man i just don't get why they continue to not fix Edge's R logo on his tights and kneepads, 2 games in a row they force you to use up 3  logo slots and a caw slot to fix this shit



I mean are they just dumb and think thats how it supposed to look? Is there some copyright specifically for that one logo or something? Cause i'm not understanding this.

A 5 second google search can show them how its supposed to look


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If you didn’t like 2K22, you’re probably not gonna like 2K23. That isn’t an insult; that’s just a fact of life. I had a great year creating for 2K22 and as long as we still have use of custom logos I’m probably gonna have a good year of creating this year too. Can’t say I’m hype until I see all the new moves, but I’m not indifferent.

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17 minutes ago, A N T I - said:

If you didn’t like 2K22, you’re probably not gonna like 2K23. That isn’t an insult; that’s just a fact of life. I had a great year creating for 2K22 and as long as we still have use of custom logos I’m probably gonna have a good year of creating this year too. Can’t say I’m hype until I see all the new moves, but I’m not indifferent.

So who wants to have an Over/Under on the OVW Pack being  Better or Worse than the NWO Pack from last game? ?

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14 minutes ago, Malonik said:

So who wants to have an Over/Under on the OVW Pack being  Better or Worse than the NWO Pack from last game? ?

Leviathan already makes it better than the NWO pack if they do him justice. He’s the only reason I would get the Icon edition, but I’m getting the Deluxe and will hopefully have those models within months.

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Can they at least show the OVW models you get with the icon edition? i mean they're asking $127 for it, the least they could do is show the models you're paying that extra money for ffs. Why would anyone pre order that edition before even seeing the quality of the models you're getting with it?

I don't wanna spend the extra money on it until i know what the models look like and what they come with.

Cause they already told us we get 2003 Lesnar in showcase mode, so tell us how he differs from the version you get in the Icon edition, cause he legit was one of the reasons i was wanting to get the Icon edition to get a retro Lesnar. But now that i know he is given to us through showcase why should i want the OVW Lesnar? 

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NWO edition was a massive letdown as it was just alt attires mostly and Eric Bischoff, with minimal new moves. Hope the OVW versions of wrestlers turn out better than that with new moves. Plus, I dunno….far as retro Brock is concerned, is it a sin to want his shoulder rolling stance from HCTP back for this game? I mean if we’re gonna bring back fight stances, let’s have character specific ones here and there.

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1 hour ago, crazyjk4 said:

I wonder if any of OVW verisons come with any new moves or so, I know he won't have it since he didn't have it at that time but it'd be cool if OVW Orton came with Burn in my light.

That's exactly what I'm talking about. The NWO had NO NEW MOVES and that REALLY Pissed Me Off !!!!! So because of this I'm holding off on Pre-Ordering until the very last minute. Paying a Premium like we did, one would think we'd have at least 5 new moves spread throughout the pack but I was Wrong. ?

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1 hour ago, RyanCE said:

None of these DLC "leaks" are remotely believable. Dusty, Khali, and Torrie are the only legends on that list with existing merch deals. Jarrett works for AEW!


Also, where's the fifth pack on this "leak"?

We should really stop promoting those "leakers".

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