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Official WWE 2K23 Info/Discussion Thread

Jeb ★

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That thing with the finishers going from three to five slots, I’m not reading that as in we can select five different finishers for each wrestler, I think what they mean is five chances to hit your finisher saved up. So if you’re Cena you can save up five finishers then hit them one after another, or trade them and use your super finisher.

I think you would still only have two finisher slots as in the last few games though. Happy to be wrong mind you.

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21 minutes ago, Oscar22 said:

That thing with the finishers going from three to five slots, I’m not reading that as in we can select five different finishers for each wrestler, I think what they mean is five chances to hit your finisher saved up. So if you’re Cena you can save up five finishers then hit them one after another, or trade them and use your super finisher.

I think you would still only have two finisher slots as in the last few games though. Happy to be wrong mind you.

Oh, damn. Fight Forever proves that 2K's two signature/finisher limit is completely arbitrary, and I was hoping that this would be the year that 2K expanded that number.

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Really excited by this.  Call me picky but I'm a bit gutted to see those fighting stances still there that look like the WWF attitude game stances. Which means we still got the grab to grapple system. But the news of what's coming in the game is very exciting, and I'll probably be pre-ordeing. Looks like Fight Forever got them a little worried and had them to up their game. 

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A lot to be excited about here. I don’t love that they're describing it as a minigame, but I love the idea of "exchanging blows". Hopefully it's like the Fire Pro strike exchange mechanic. The diving onto multiple people thing is a cool little touch as well. If everything works well, this could be the game. A rare case of 2K actually exceeding the expectations of the community. 

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I was about to happy that you could have 5 Sigs and 5 Finishers because that would help the Grappling problem I have where you always have to Combo or Collar & Elbow to do Grapples like a Spinebuster, Backbreaker etc because then you can just use some of their stronger moves as Sigs and for some people bump some of their Sigs up to a Finisher if it makes sense but as soon as I came to that conclusion I realized Lynell means you can store 5 of each.

Wow, what a disappointment.

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1 hour ago, crazyjk4 said:

I'd honestly be okay with just three finisher slots maybe at best four if they ever increase the number. 

Agreed, especially since there are multiple variants of the same move hittable from different positions.

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1 hour ago, snakebiteSB said:

Really excited by this.  Call me picky but I'm a bit gutted to see those fighting stances still there that look like the WWF attitude game stances. Which means we still got the grab to grapple system. But the news of what's coming in the game is very exciting, and I'll probably be pre-ordeing. Looks like Fight Forever got them a little worried and had them to up their game. 

Goddammit.. that fighting pose is so goddamn stupid looking.

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11 minutes ago, crazyjk4 said:

Yeah having the fighting stances still in so far is the only big downer as of now, that and it sounds like chain wrestling hasn't returned yet.

I think the best stances we ever had were in SYM and HCTP, remember those? RVD would bounce between his feet, Rhyno would have his arms in front of him and stand hunched, Brock would roll his shoulders, Undertaker had a whole way of standing and sort of looking down on you….

Appreciate we had smaller rosters back then so it was easier to personalise people but it made the game so much more immersive. 


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19 minutes ago, crazyjk4 said:

Yeah having the fighting stances still in so far is the only big downer as of now, that and it sounds like chain wrestling hasn't returned yet.

I consider the lock up grappling a massive negative but that, unfortunately, I was already resigned to. But that stupid ass pose.. just.. who thought it looked good? Who? 

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7 minutes ago, Oscar22 said:

I think the best stances we ever had were in SYM and HCTP, remember those? RVD would bounce between his feet, Rhyno would have his arms in front of him and stand hunched, Brock would roll his shoulders, Undertaker had a whole way of standing and sort of looking down on you….

Appreciate we had smaller rosters back then so it was easier to personalise people but it made the game so much more immersive. 


Crucially though we were able to switch them out, including for normal standing poses. We weren't forced to use them and especially weren't forced to use ones that didn't match the wrestler in question.

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2 minutes ago, CROSS-Out said:

I consider the lock up grappling a massive negative but that, unfortunately, I was already resigned to. But that stupid ass pose.. just.. who thought it looked good? Who? 

I didn't think or hope to think they'd get rid of the grappling lock up so soon, honestly if it was how it is in FIght Forever I wouldn't mind it as bad.

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