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Clarification between in-game Superstar assets, CAW assets and MyRise CAW


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First off, I did just want to note I have SUpercharged, so everything is purachsed and unlocked

I'm new to WWE 2K.

I did read about not being able to use CAWs in MyRise, you need to create them again.

My question I guess is, are not all of the game assets necessarily available in CAW, or just MyRise?

As an example, I wanted to create a MyRise character similar to Scott Hall, but I could see absolutely no method of creating a similar hair style (the hair falling down the forehead).

Is that the type of thing that was made exclusively for Hall/Razor, and you can not access his hair asset/element in CAW, or am I simply missing something?

It's the main frustration I'm having withing building a wrestler. I'm trying to find elements from other stars, but I can't seem to replicate it.

If the answer is simply there is just some things you can't do in CAW, that's fine. But I want make sure I'm not missing something.

Thank youuuuuuuuuuuu!

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