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Spoken like a true... (Lyrics, poetry, general deep thoughts etc)


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Slow motion, dancing, ambiance, emotions 

Devotion, small doses of a potent potion 

Toasted, scented candles and a hint of lotion

Roasted, chicken and something from within the ocean 

Notion; our soul's have been intertwined

No rewind, your past didn't and will not define 

It's behind, we got our future so there's plenty time

Its divine, us aligned masterminds design 

We're combined, The whole is greater than the sum of its parts 

This is art, you're smile alone is enough to set you apart

From the heart, you're all I need I want you a la carte 

Let's embark, new adventures and there's no restart 

Just depart, any doubts let em out just enjoy the journey 

Flurries, slippery slopes yet we stay sturdy

Blurry, future of unknowns yet no worries 

Fury, to those who think I'm unworthy, not sorry 





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