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WWE Show Discussion

Jeb ★

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Gunther would be a prime candidate for being the Undertaker of this generation, IMO. He should never be booked in any way that undercuts his size or dominance. Dethroning Reigns doesn't really speak to me...just because that still feels like it needs to be done by Cody. But...I'm sure Gunther's time as a world champion will come soon. Maybe Cody takes the belt from Reigns, and then Gunther takes the belt from Cody. I feel like a Cody/Gunther feud would be capable of producing some 5-star classics.

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I have this feeling in my gut that Roman will keep the title for another 12 months. Cody Rhodes seems like the only true candidate that can finally dethrone Roman at WM. Deep down it just feels like WWE is enjoying the ride of continuing to out Roman over everybody else. At this point it just feels like he will keep the title until his official retirement. As a fan I feel brainwashed to believe that WWE looks at Roman Reigns as the unstoppable money machine with no need to ever let his belt go. I don't see any signs of him letting the belt go any time soon at all.

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I turned on Raw just to see it was Seth doing another one of those long Raw soliloquies and I tuned right back out again. I miss the days when a really interesting match or something really wild was happening on my tv screen. These days I’d rather watch crime dramas than wrestling. I just can’t stand to watch what American wrestling has turned into. Or atleast I’d rather stick to PLE’s and live events that aren’t ruined by the timing of commercial breaks. I can’t even remember the last PLE I watched, now that I think about it.

Edited by A N T I -
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The RAW and SD formats are brutal. So much downtime with all the replays, video packages, and commercials. And the way they go to commercial within the first two minutes of a match just kills the drama and pacing. It’s terrible. At least SD is a shorter show, which makes it easier to get through. But yeah, the way they format the show combined with mostly poor creative and formulaic matches with dull wrestlers just makes me lose interest.

Gunther, LA Knight, and Heyman, however, grab my attention almost every time they’re on, so there’s that.

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