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The Wrestling Code First Demo Footage - Featuring nZo


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22 minutes ago, B-Cross said:

That... severely underwhelmed me. Those animations are not great and the lighting seems.. off.

This is a very early build. Plus I'd Imagine the lighting will look very different for a proper match than the spotlight they went with here lol

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1 minute ago, Fight Me. said:

This is a very early build. Plus I'd Imagine the lighting will look very different for a proper match than the spotlight they went with here lol

Yes, but I can only judge what I see. I hope it turns out better, i'm just saying this isn't the best first impression to me personally.

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If you’re expecting a 2K game, don’t..

I was highly entertained by the nZo video. The movements were a bit out of sync with what he was saying but I’m highly impressed by this sort of out-of-nowhere project already looking so good. The lighting took away some of the detail in the model but I still thought it looked damn good and it’s always nice to not be completely kept in the dark about things. 

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16 hours ago, B-Cross said:

That... severely underwhelmed me. Those animations are not great and the lighting seems.. off.

Yeah something about the way he was moving around was slightly different than what I've come to know in games. Then again though if it's a work in progress then it may get tweaked later.


Decent though. But I say those movements need to be fixed just a bit.

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For what it is, super early Alpha test footage...its neat.
But thats it...it doesnt blow me away.

It still doesnt tell me anything about the core gameplay or so.

So there is little to say to that...it looks neat enough for what it is at this stage.


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It's a canned animation with pre-production footage. Not gonna get my panties in a twist until I see underwhelming gameplay footage. Probably not gonna be too concerned about that either. I've played plenty of sub-par games and had fun with them anyway. I've long been expecting this one to fall on that list. Wrestling games have always been the basest form of entertainment. Lol

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