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Virtual Basement's Wrestling Game


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Has anyone else been keeping an eye on this? Sounds very ambitious and very promising. Aiming for a next-gen release.


Excited to see gameplay but everything else sounds like what wrestling games should be.

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Yeah, I'm quite interested in seeing how it turns out. The models they've shown so far have been impressive, so can't wait to see how — like you said — gameplay turns out. 

I'll likely create a section for the upcoming wrestling games like this, RetroArcade, etc. Just to try promote them more. 


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Yeah, I've heard about this. The models and roster they've signed alone got me excited. Glad to see Impact and ROH not blocking their wrestlers from taking part in this. I'm ready to have more options for wrestling games.

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I’m tempering my expectations because I can tell they’re doing a lot of sweet talking. Saying they’re looking at No Mercy (I may have heard Virtua Pro which I prefer) and HCTP for gameplay inspiration is like the easiest thing you can say to wrestling game fans, meanwhile those two gameplay experiences are mad different. Also, foregoing mocap in favor of computer animation is concerning for me, but then again, I’m not sure how realistic this game plans to be. I wish they were far enough along to show us some kinda demo.

Between this, 2K with something to prove, AEW’s game, Yuke’s game, and Ultra Violence, I’m excited for wrestling games man. Selfishly, I hope Retromania, Chikara, and Battlegrounds scratch the itch for arcade fans and the other games are sim but the fact that I just listed eight upcoming wrestling games is nuts.

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18 minutes ago, EJ! said:

I’m tempering my expectations because I can tell they’re doing a lot of sweet talking. Saying they’re looking at No Mercy (I may have heard Virtua Pro which I prefer) and HCTP for gameplay inspiration is like the easiest thing you can say to wrestling game fans, meanwhile those two gameplay experiences are mad different. Also, foregoing mocap in favor of computer animation is concerning for me, but then again, I’m not sure how realistic this game plans to be. I wish they were far enough along to show us some kinda demo.

Between this, 2K with something to prove, AEW’s game, Yuke’s game, and Ultra Violence, I’m excited for wrestling games man. Selfishly, I hope Retromania, Chikara, and Battlegrounds scratch the itch for arcade fans and the other games are sim but the fact that I just listed eight upcoming wrestling games is nuts.

Yeah, it all sounds very promising...but i need to see gameplay.
The models look cool and they seem to have big things planned, but so had those before them...Pro Wrestling X sounded on paper awesome, and 2020 its still very basic without really moving forward.

But im keeping a open mind.
2021 could be the best year for wrestling game fans, there is so much in the works.

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i can’t lie i’m like a LITTLE bit obsessed with this game, at least the prospect of it. i know i need to relax because i’m setting myself up to get hit with a Disappointment DDT but man...so many questions.

what kinda direction do you think they’ll go with the gameplay?

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I’d rather they go with something similar to what Midway did with TNA iMPACT. Gameplay-wise, the game was solid...there just wasn’t much to do compared to WWE games. Going with No Mercy-style gameplay in 2020 is a mistake, even though the irony is that TNA iMPACT developers and wrestlers cited No Mercy as an influence.

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10 minutes ago, A N T I - said:

I’d rather they go with something similar to what Midway did with TNA iMPACT. Gameplay-wise, the game was solid...there just wasn’t much to do compared to WWE games. Going with No Mercy-style gameplay in 2020 is a mistake.

The Midway engine definitely had potential to built into something even more special. The three games we saw it in definitely showed promise, but man, I’ve always wanted to see the AKI engine perform with modern-day tech. That and the engine used for the All-Star Pro Wrestling series. That engine just needed a few more years of love and it would have been crazy by now. But yeah any of these three directions would be fine by me.


Why no No Mercy though?

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8 minutes ago, EJ! said:

The Midway engine definitely had potential to built into something even more special. The three games we saw it in definitely showed promise, but man, I’ve always wanted to see the AKI engine perform with modern-day tech. That and the engine used for the All-Star Pro Wrestling series. That engine just needed a few more years of love and it would have been crazy by now. But yeah any of these three directions would be fine by me.


Why no No Mercy though?

It is my belief/opinion that the games of today have far surpassed anything No Mercy was able to do. We are just at different times in our lives. I suppose you can’t not be influenced by something that is considered the GOAT, but we’ve come such a long way from it. I’d hate for any developer to look at that game and say “Yeah, our game needs to play exactly like that!”

I’m open to anyone’s take on a new wrestling game...but that’s just it...I wanna see something I haven’t seen before. I think Virtual Basement has the tools to achieve this and I’m as excited as you are for what is to come. I’m excited for the new Yuke’s project too!

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37 minutes ago, A N T I - said:

It is my belief/opinion that the games of today have far surpassed anything No Mercy was able to do. We are just at different times in our lives. I suppose you can’t not be influenced by something that is considered the GOAT, but we’ve come such a long way from it. I’d hate for any developer to look at that game and say “Yeah, our game needs to play exactly like that!”

I’m open to anyone’s take on a new wrestling game...but that’s just it...I wanna see something I haven’t seen before. I think Virtual Basement has the tools to achieve this and I’m as excited as you are for what is to come. I’m excited for the new Yuke’s project too!

I respect that. It’s easier to use what’s already been done as a foundation, but a brand new approach may be worth the risk.

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1 hour ago, A N T I - said:

I’d rather they go with something similar to what Midway did with TNA iMPACT. Gameplay-wise, the game was solid...there just wasn’t much to do compared to WWE games. Going with No Mercy-style gameplay in 2020 is a mistake, even though the irony is that TNA iMPACT developers and wrestlers cited No Mercy as an influence.

I wouldn't say it was solid, it had a solid foundation certainly but the only way the game could achieve any semplence of difficulty was by mercilessly cheating, and the games controls meant that there were little actual moves each wrestler could do (even if there had been more moves total in the game than the small handful that were there).


The TNA Impact games engine eventually got used much better for All Stars, and I certainly wouldn't mind seeing  a simulation take on how that game played. 

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1 hour ago, A N T I - said:

It is my belief/opinion that the games of today have far surpassed anything No Mercy was able to do. We are just at different times in our lives. I suppose you can’t not be influenced by something that is considered the GOAT, but we’ve come such a long way from it. I’d hate for any developer to look at that game and say “Yeah, our game needs to play exactly like that!”

I’m open to anyone’s take on a new wrestling game...but that’s just it...I wanna see something I haven’t seen before. I think Virtual Basement has the tools to achieve this and I’m as excited as you are for what is to come. I’m excited for the new Yuke’s project too!

Thank you for this by the way, i've been saying for a while now that it worries the shit out of me when everyone constantly references No Mercy as "this is what we want our game to be like". No Mercy was great, but everyone remembers the positives and forgets the negatives nowadays.

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  • 2 weeks later...

As I said on the comments on Ernez's most recent video on the subject, its starting to really worry me that VB seems willing to confirm and say yes to any question or suggestion under the sun. I really, really hope they aren't taking a "say yes to anything and we'll sort it out later" approach. THQ was legendarily guilty of that and that is not a path that VB wants to go down.

Not saying for sure that thats what they're doing, but I can't help but worry that they haven't once said know to any question or suggestion regarding features of the game.

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People wanting the No Mercy/Def Jam gameplay has become such a tired trope in this community imo. Sure, it was great. But the GameCube games didn't exactly sell enough when we did get those types of games again. 

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It looks and sounds very promising.

What makes me happy the most is that they are not going with Impact, AEW, WWE or other companies that would need a extra License, would had a lot to say (including cuts, roster and the like) which gives them a lot more freedom since they can decide themselves what to put in the game or not and as a fan service based game they can and will rather add what we want as Players then what a Vince or Khan or whoever else want's.

The roster announced so far looks promising (love quite a few of them and I'm happy they will be in the game) and along with the creation suite makes it to a instant buy for me.

The fact that they will give us a base game (hopefully a well working one) and will only keep bringing out DLCs after is a Dream come true cause I would rather support them by buying dlcs of a working game with a solid Basis then having a so called new rushed game that doesn't even really work at the end like we had this year from 2K already and had to endure in previous years with yukes aswell.

If the creation modes are good or even better then the ones we had in the WWE2K series and the Gameplay is good (Brands with Weekly Shows and ppvs would be a huge plus for me) then I'll definately buy and stick with it in the future.

Always supported indy Wrestling and if they bring out a good game that I fully enjoy while I can support indy Wrestlers through it I'll definately do it. :D

The only thing I dislike a bit is that it won't be available for PS4 so I might rather get it for PC instead of PS5.

Can't wait for more updates!

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6 hours ago, Saturi said:

The only thing I dislike a bit is that it won't be available for PS4 so I might rather get it for PC instead of PS5.

That's gonna be the weird thing. Because by the time the game hits retail, I dare say 90% of the roster will be signed to WWE, AEW or elsewhere with different looks, names and gimmicks. ? Not a biggy, but for a new game it'll make it seem dated. (Imo)

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