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Lycan38's 2k19 Showcase (Angel X added 2/14)


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Finally got around to taking some shots of what I have done so far in 2k19. Will be starting off with a few creations.


Amber Storm (returning from 2k18)



New attire for her this year, otherwise see looks pretty much the same as last year.


Griffon (returning from 2k18)






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Thanks. Next up...


Triton (returning from 2k18)




Triton was one of my favorites from my roster last year that I wanted to bring back. He is basically a powerhouse grappler style wrestler.

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  • 2 weeks later...

you have very nice caws there my friend.


Thanks very much.


Angel X (returning from 2k18)





Another one of my female roster that I've brought back. One third of the faction Daughters of Darkness. She got a new design for her attire this year.

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  • 2 weeks later...

These CAWs look amazing! You don't mind that I download them and add them to my roster do you?!


They are currently not available to download. I don't have any plans on uploading them. I'm quite hesitant about doing that.

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  • 1 month later...

Why so hesitant?


Potential of headaches that can came from uploading to the community creations, potential stealing and claiming it as their creation, random reports because someone thinks its "funny". Things of that nature.

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Why so hesitant?


Potential of headaches that can came from uploading to the community creations, potential stealing and claiming it as their creation, random reports because someone thinks its "funny". Things of that nature.


I wouldn't think of "reporting", or "stealing" your CAWs! I make sure the credit goes to the creator!

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