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My internet speed has fallen TREMENDOUSLY my download is 0.07 mbps and upload is 0.11 mbps

I have AT&T through Clyirfi and everything worked well, but downloading. I was able to play Fortnite, Modern Warfare Multiplayer & Warzone. Black Ops 4 Multiplayer and Blackout, ect. Now I cant even freaking load a dang YouTube video. This started Sunday at 9 PM. I was playing MK11 and my internet dropped, cut back on, dropped again, and repeat. I cut it off and went to sleep, woke up and my internet turned to crap. Hughesnet is better than this atm. And I've already canceled it and packaged it up. I'm having to watch YouTube videos I downloaded on my laptop and watch some on my phone data. Sorry I just had to rant here, I dont recall ever having speeds this slow

I cant play the new WarZone Quads, I can't play GTA Online, Fallout 76, hell cant play Fallout 4 because it needs an update to even access the mods so I can delete it so it wont disable trophies(I'm a hunter). Sucks I cant play Online with my friends being stuck at home with a stay at home order

Edit: Day 5 with horrendously slow internet, I'm Really missing YouTube and playing online with my friends 

Edit: Day 7 with horrendously slow internet. Still miss playing with my friends Online. Also 7 days since I bought that Switch and it hasn't shipped and I've been trying to cancel it and refund my money. Dude hasnt even replied once to my messages. When(and I better) get my refund, I'll just buy one from my bestfriends

Edited by TrisetMaster908
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Thankfully I don't have the Rona.  But I do have a cold.  I won't be going out in public any time soon.  Imagine coughing in the store and getting those dirty looks.  lol  But uh... it's a very, very minor cold.  Sore throat phase (the least painful I've ever had) done.  Sneezing phase appears to be winding down.  Not looking forward to the coughing phase, as that tends to last the longest for me.

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Bad weather sweeping through the south, gonna be here in a few hours. Have a generator ready, just terrified of possibility of tornados(my number 2 fear) Just cant stand them, not even in movies and tv shows. I'll be on the lookout, may not take my sleep meds so I cant stay alert 

Edit: 4/20. Another storm hit last night, currently power is out but that's really the only damage here. First time using my generator for a power outage I think.

Also again having internet issues, gonna be another couple days, ugh, just want to play Online with my friends 

Edited by TrisetMaster908
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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Having internet trouble again with Clyirfi, JFC, I may have to bite the bullet and get a  refund and go crawling back to Hughesnet. I'd have to get another 2 year contract. Atleast with them I have 24/7 YouTube, Netflix, ect. Even with no data I could watch it non stop. I only got the new internet because I was sick and tired of not being able to play COD games Online, Fortnite, ect Multiplayer. GTA Online worked, Okay'ish. It'd look fine on my screen but my friend's cars would spawn out of nowhere. Fallout 76 it'd take a second or two before it would actually take damage. I cant do much, especially now with social distancing I have to stay more at home and here with no internet except my phone, but it makes my phone hot as heck if I hotspot it

Sorry I just had to vent. Some of you might remember my past vents about internet trouble with Hughesnet. Idk if my problem is Clyirfi or AT&T themselves. Just out of nowhere Tuesday about 11:30 PM, just disconnects

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50 minutes ago, TheBLACKESTManOnEarth said:

In the same boat.

Ended up ordering a replacement PSU, pain in the ass to find the right one and its going to take forever but its better than buying a new PS4 mere months before the PS5 launches and losing all my saves.

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1 hour ago, BrandonX said:

Ended up ordering a replacement PSU, pain in the ass to find the right one and its going to take forever but its better than buying a new PS4 mere months before the PS5 launches and losing all my saves.

Damn man. I don't have the exact same problem though. The ps4 turns on, does a system storage check stays at 24 %, says connect controller with USB to turn on ps4 or something along the lines of that, the controller doesn't cooperate and the ps4 turns off.

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My neighbours kids will not, shut, up. All hours of the day every day, sprinting around screeching at the top of their lungs. I get it, they're bored, but I can *censored*ing hear em with my noise cancelling headphones on for christs sake.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I took a week off work to recharge, but now I'm stuck home with my delusional ass parents missing the entire point of the protests. I was willing to argue at first but now I'm just exhausted and have asked them to just back off so I can actually rest, but holy shit are they toxic. Gotta deal with my dad talking about how "Sure not all black people are bad, but THOSE people are some of the laziest crooks I've met" while my mom is just defending the freaking cops left and right. When I gave her an example of some white lady calling the cops of a black dude just doing his job from Amazon, she actually jumped in there to defend the lady because "we don't know her past". Oh, but you know, they're not racist at all because "it's not like we want all black people killed or anything, relax". Ugh... I was all set to move out this fall before this freaking pandemic happened, now I'm stuck with this shit for who knows how much longer.

Edited by Counting Lights
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So, a reported eight gun shots were fired less than a block away from home the other night... our neighborhood typically goes ape shit with the fireworks around this time of the year, so I had no idea what was fireworks or what was gunfire.

I cringe for the future of this world.

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