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Tell us the BS going on right now in your life

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Halloween night wasn't what I'd imagined. Met with some friends to go out, but they invited another "friend" with them who I've been kinda trying to just break contact with. Said friend complained about literally everything (tHeRe'S tInY oNiOn FlAkEs In My PoUtInE gRaVy) and then made one of my friends drive her home after about an hour and a half (this was in the city vs us in the suburbs, so that was it for her driver too).

The first few bars we went to were all kinda dead too, and by the time we found one with some life, everyone who was looking to pair up was basically paired, so it was just me and my buddy drinking.


My costume turned out badass at least.

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Few hours ago I just discovered that my old man is cheating on my mother in 2015. Not sure if they're still together or not, i dont know if i want to know either. At this point I dont know what to expect anymore. The worst thing is that thr one thing I all ever known about my dad is he's never a romantic type of guy to my mom, but I just found concrete evidence that he does romantic shit for this married woman he cheats on with.

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For about 6 or 7 years, I've had this problem with my right leg, in which I can't straighten it out all the way, it randomly decides to swell up, and it's just extremely painful.



Had MRI scans and whatnot. They thought I tore the cartilage in my knee, but that wasn't the case.


Anyway, in 2017 I had physiotherapy, which seemed to help, as I had no major issues throughout 2018, maybe the odd twinge, but it was a good year.


Go back a few months ago (this year), and my knee decided to randomly start swelling again, but even more so than usual.


Been told I have a torn MCL. Having physio again, but it doesn't seem to be making things better. The swelling used to just be around the inner knee, but now it's spread all around it.


I'm extremely hyperactive most days, and can't sit still for long periods, which means I'm not resting my knee enough.



Also, I'd like to know how I tore my MCL, because despite the fact I'm hyperactive, I'm like the least athletic person you'll ever meet. I mean I exercise in my room occasionally, but I don't go on long runs or anything like that.


Probably tore it running for a bus or something :lol:







Tore my MCL (no idea how) and it's been very painful recently.

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Flat tire out of butt *censored* no where. Nothing on the road, just feel my wheel start spazzing and then poof. RIP $150 for a new tire...


Same. My tire was flat as all hell out of nowhere after getting home from the dentist. Lucily there's a tire place a block from my house. The tire was fairly new, less than a year old so they patched it up for $20.

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Update. I finally talked on the phone with the bank's central office or whatever you call it. Supposedly my card is still on the way. Should be here Friday or Monday. I had gotten the message that it was ordered on Nov. 4th, and that looks like more than 10 business days to me. I just hope it gets here before turkey day, ya know?

Edited by WarGreymon77
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I feel like every time I have a love interest, 37 people who I haven't spoken to in months come out of the woodwork to ruin it on the same day. Why is this a thing that continuously happens in my life? Do they know something I don't know? If so, why don't they just tell me? :lol:

Edited by Generations
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