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What was the last match you played?


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Big Show vs. Cesaro for the United States Championship at the Royal Rumble. I don't know why, but I seem to find it really easy to get a 5 star match out of Big Show on this game. Cesaro won after putting Show through the announce table before rolling him back into the ring for the pinfall.

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John Cena & Daniel Bryan vs. Triple H & Kevin Owens - such a back and forth match with both sides looking as though they could win it at any moment. It went on for a good 20 minutes but in the end Daniel Bryan won himself and Cena the match via a roll up on Triple H when Kevin Owens was knocked out on the floor.

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  • 5 weeks later...

Match with Marty Scurll and Finn Balor. Magnificent. As much as this game pisses me off, there are great matches to be had.


Also my first time playing the game in like two months.

Same! Just had a barn burner between Will Ospreay and Tyson Kidd in Universe. Kidd had counters for pretty much everything Ospreay threw at him, and kicked out of most of Ospreay's offense at 2.9, including an Ozcutter and a super Ozcutter off the top. In the end, Kidd took advantage of a missed corkskrew SSP from Ospreay and made him tap with the Dungeon Lock

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Mike Edwards can beat up AJ and steel that wagon full of toys in your av ?


I'd pay to see AJ and Mike Edwards square off. I might have to simulate a match in 2k18.


Anyway had a couple of 8 Man Elimination (pinfall / submission) matches -


WWE Attitude (In Raw Is War arena). Shawn Michaels (me), The Rock, Stone Cold, Kane, Undertaker, Triple H, Kurt Angle and Bret Hart. (Winner Shawn Michaels).


WCW Nitro - Goldberg (me), Kevin Nash, Scott Hall, Chris Jericho, Sting, Vader, British Bulldog and Curt Hennig. (Winner Goldberg)

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Kyle O'Reilly vs. Bobby Fish. vs. Roderick Strong vs. Adam Cole for the ROH World title. Bit of a disappointment to be honest, I've had so many great matches using all four of these guys, but they just didn't seem to mix well together in this match. Kyle O'Reilly ended up winning via pinfall by throwing Fish out of the ring after he had kick Cole's head off, and then taking advantage.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I played for the first time in a while yesterday with my friend, we played a few matches.


We played AJ Styles (Me) vs. Daniel Bryan (my friend) good back and forth match, I won with the Styles Clash.

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Six Pack Elimination Challenge for the IWA Intercontinental Championship.


Champion Prince Amir V Mike Edwards (me) V Cody V Kevin Blake V Neville V Enzo


Winner and new Intercontinental Champion - Mike Edwards pinned Kevin Blake with Whiplash kick (Black Mass)

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i'll let you guys decide but i think there's a lot to like... some characters feel amazing.

but always temper expectations.




As ever, your honesty is appreciated. I know many who would be in your position and would act like total asshats.

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  • 2 weeks later...


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