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Universe info!


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I'll save full judgment for when I get to play it for myself but although the improvements seem minor I really like them, especially the superstar goals. I just wish there was more the 3 rivalry slots as it's hard to book a World, Mid, Tag & Women's title in a show as one of the titles ends up not being featured as much as the others (in my case tag titles).

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gimmie gimmie gimmie gimmie gimmie.


custom match types available confirmed

Backlash, Clash Of Champions arenas confirmed

star ratings are back

Power Rankings is back

Superstar goals is a nice addition

i like that weapon attacks actually now affects rivalries

4v4 Survivor Series confirmed

i like the 'potential rivalries' aspect

still would like to know how many title slots there are for major shows. (im gonna guess and say its still 4)


not ALOT of improvements, but the improvements that have been made, are gonna be very helpful


HURRY THE *Censored* UP NEXT FRIDAY!!!!!!!!!!!

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I'll save full judgment for when I get to play it for myself but although the improvements seem minor I really like them, especially the superstar goals. I just wish there was more the 3 rivalry slots as it's hard to book a World, Mid, Tag & Women's title in a show as one of the titles ends up not being featured as much as the others (in my case tag titles).

I agree. Sometimes minor though can be the best things. The best things in WWE games today is minor improvements.

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There's a few nice changes in there, but there's definitely a lot of things I want to see improved still. I would really like them to give us the option of turning it into something of a GM Mode, book specific cut scenes on the show, label qualifying matches, book PPV's in advance, stuff like that. Give that option of either having full control or just being along for the ride, depending on what the player wants.

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Squash matches. Yes.


Also like the goal system and the tweaks to the rivalry system. Just hope rivalries aren't still too long and repetitive.


But that was the last thing I needed to see, let me go ahead and pre-order.

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My biggest complaint with 2K17 was that when you started a rivalry, much like in My Career mode, you were facing the opponent in the rivalry every single week. I get that theyre doing that on TV nowadays but its bad booking, in my opinion. It made the rivalries so exhausting and kept me uninterested in playing Universe Mode.

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Ok so no mention of them fixing the issue of rivals facing each other every week leading up to the ppv, that really worries me.


I love the addition of squash matches though, if a wrestler has way higher stats than the other they can squash them really quick with a few moves.


Glad to see we now have two ppvs a month.


Why do we still only get 3 rivalry slots? Tired of having to leave a championship on the sidelines cause they aint no more room for another rivalry. We should be able to have 5 or 6 rivalry slots, enough for every title and some for non title feuds.

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As someone who remains skeptical and doesn't plan on picking this up, I'm actually delighted that they're introducing squash matches in Universe. For years now I've been longing to see superstar attributes receive some sort of justification or meaning.

The matches and superstars desperately needed some more distinction and flavor and this seems to be a step in the right direction.

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