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Fire Pro Wrestling World


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How in the *Censored* is early access at a discounted price "gullible and susceptible to being tricked"? It's a pretty awesome deal...and it allows the players to have a direct line of access to talk with the developers and tell them what we want to be different in the end result.


Hell...even if this game stops production right now, $20 for the bare bones is a great deal. You're talking about the ability to create tons of wrestlers with tons of moves, and perfectly playable matches. The future updates will really only serve to add further customization. Everything you need to enjoy the game is here right now. Just give me a logo creation tool, more arena/promotion options, maybe even a way to import custom music...and I'm happy.

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How in the *Censored* is early access at a discounted price "gullible and susceptible to being tricked"? It's a pretty awesome deal...and it allows the players to have a direct line of access to talk with the developers and tell them what we want to be different in the end result.

I was joking in case you didn't find the humor in my post.

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How in the *Censored* is early access at a discounted price "gullible and susceptible to being tricked"? It's a pretty awesome deal...and it allows the players to have a direct line of access to talk with the developers and tell them what we want to be different in the end result.

I was joking in case you didn't find the humor in my post.



You made a joke about people being dumb enough to elect Trump, but the overall message of the post seemed to be suggesting that buying an unfinished game somehow made people gullible or unwise. Just not true.

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How in the *Censored* is early access at a discounted price "gullible and susceptible to being tricked"? It's a pretty awesome deal...and it allows the players to have a direct line of access to talk with the developers and tell them what we want to be different in the end result.

I was joking in case you didn't find the humor in my post.

You made a joke about people being dumb enough to elect Trump, but the overall message of the post seemed to be suggesting that buying an unfinished game somehow made people gullible or unwise. Just not true.

Not really. Seems like he was speaking from the point of view that Americans are paying more than people in another country are. Realistically it's probably some kind of error somewhere along the line.

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How do you delete wrestlers? Does anyone know?


Nevermind, I figured it out earlier. For anyone else who wants to know, you need to go to the workshop tab and do it from there...for whatever reason.

Also do NOT do it during edit a wrestler. When you go to edit them, there is a delete function, but it doesn't work correctly right now and will delete random creations.

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Yeah, I was reading about that last night. Thanks for the heads up just the same.


That's always been my main complaint about these Fire Pro games...the UI is always wonky as shit. In this case, the deletion situation is just a glitch...but there are other issues with the general way of things. At least the controls make more sense on this one. I remember FPR on PS2, everything felt backwards to me. Like, I think circle was the select button...and I'm used to that being the "back out" button in every other game ever...just stuff like that. But, yeah...with my Xbox controller on Steam, no problems (other than the bugs and handful of UI issues).

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I remember FPR on PS2, everything felt backwards to me. Like, I think circle was the select button...and I'm used to that being the "back out" button in every other game ever...just stuff like that.


That's actually a Japanese thing... which annoys me. It's the same in Dead or Alive and Sword Art Online. In Japan, B/0 is select and A/X is back and usually they change it based on the country... but some games are too lazy to do so and I guess Fire Pro is one of the few, which I suppose makes sense, why is a giant X... confirm? it's an X lol


and by annoy I mean the Japs using opposite to us

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why is a giant X... confirm? it's an X lol


That's why I like Xbox...


Select is generally the 'A' button...(as in "A-Okay") :lol:...and 'B' is usually the back button (as in B for Back)...then you have X and Y as the left and top buttons, which serve as the "specialty buttons" in most games...or you have X for strike, etc. Also, I just always hate having shapes on PS controllers. What am I, four years old? Lmao.




Btw, I wish we knew some details pertaining to logo and music customization for the future. I would definitely be making stuff to use, if I knew what the limitations were...

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I remember FPR on PS2, everything felt backwards to me. Like, I think circle was the select button...and I'm used to that being the "back out" button in every other game ever...just stuff like that.


That's actually a Japanese thing... which annoys me. It's the same in Dead or Alive and Sword Art Online. In Japan, B/0 is select and A/X is back and usually they change it based on the country... but some games are too lazy to do so and I guess Fire Pro is one of the few, which I suppose makes sense, why is a giant X... confirm? it's an X lol


and by annoy I mean the Japs using opposite to us



Memories of spending 45 minutes trying to get the Kings of Colosseum games working on an emulator before someone smartened me up to this.




Played a match last night. Controls seem fairly simple yet they aren't specific enough to know how to play. I checked the menu, but it told me the basics, so I had no idea how I was doing what move, or how I was reversing. Hope that changes in future updates. I feel like now is the most important time to do such a thing. In past games they've had niche audiences but I feel like their venture into the PC market in a time where PC gaming is on the rise/semi-popular again has the potential to bring in a lot of new fans.

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I've had the game now for 2 days, only played about 19 minutes. Will probably ask for a refund on it soon. The game is just too incomplete still and a lot of what frustrated me about FPR is still in this game. I don't even know how to play 1player vs cpu, it seems like you can only do cpu vs cpu in 1 on 1 matches. Also, my controller works for everything but the actual in-ring gameplay once I try challenge mode I have to use the keyboard. I also get this lag on the character select screen which has to do with my graphics card apparently. Nah...I think I'll just go back to playing FPR on my emulator every once in a while, save me $20 at least until the final game is done. You guys have fun.

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Dude...it honestly sounds like you're just giving up because you don't know how to do things. Spend some time on it. It's worth it. To play 1P vs CPU, just select a character, and then move the marker to the left until you see that part highlighted (where it says CP). Are you playing with a controller? Literally just choose a character and then move the left stick to the left once and press the whatever the action button is on your controller (it's the A button on Xbox), and you will see a dropdown menu for player select...


The game is admittedly not without a learning curve...but to give up after less than 20 minutes? Yeah...do yourself a favor and try harder.

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It's not like I am just barely playing for the first time. I own Fire Pro Returns for the PS2 and on an emulator on my PC as well. Didn't play that one too much and Fire Pro World is pretty much the same so why buy it now? I actually thought the graphics would be improved also but they seem to be the same.

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Personally, I've already played this WAY more than FPW Returns. Mostly because of how convenient it is to both edit characters myself, and also download the pre-made ones. FPW Returns was always work...non-stop, endless work...find a formula online...put it in the game manually...etc. This lets me flesh out an entire roster by browsing a database. Then I can jump right into playing whatever ridiculous matches I want. Pretty sure my "time played" is already at about 20+ hours, and I'm not growing bored of it at all.

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If they do allow you to use custom music, I ripped a bunch of themes from 8-bit and 16-bit WWF games to give it more of a retro feel along with the sprite-based graphics: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/0B4Hnolc690drUkljUE9DR2dMV2c?usp=sharing


Kinda what I planned on doing, myself...and probably using the songs that 8-bit universe makes and puts on youtube. Especially when it comes to modern themes, I'm definitely going with his stuff...










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Personally, I've already played this WAY more than FPW Returns. Mostly because of how convenient it is to both edit characters myself, and also download the pre-made ones. FPW Returns was always work...non-stop, endless work...find a formula online...put it in the game manually...etc. This lets me flesh out an entire roster by browsing a database. Then I can jump right into playing whatever ridiculous matches I want. Pretty sure my "time played" is already at about 20+ hours, and I'm not growing bored of it at all.


I'm guessing you didn't download edit packs onto your memory card for Returns?


Pumped to get this when the PS4 version is released. Only wrestling game I've ever played where watching CPU matches is as fun as playing.

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