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Can't import CAW from save


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Hello, Yesterday my save corrupted from a CAW imported off the internet or a render import, so I tried numerous attempts following other methods listed on the forums to no avail. So I decided to try importing my backed up CAWs two at a time, and upon doing so and rehashing/resigning before reimporting onto my XBOX; my brand new save with the imported CAW(s) would then come up as corrupted. I tried with slots from 1 to 100 and don't really want to redo every CAW or return to other last gen versions of the 2K series.


Could anyone provide assistance or help with getting my CAWs back into a new save?

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  • 2 weeks later...

A notable issue has occurred. I tried to import one random CAW to a brand new game and delete other CAWs that I downloaded. And the save did come up with damaged or missing CAW data, upon allowing it to be deleted turns it out was every single CAW. Still got backups of them but they might be hard to save.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Appears that all my character files weren't corrupted and renders were still exportable from CAW files along with the screenshots all being safe to export, nor did the data appear corrupted on my 360's data storage. Seems like something with the CAWs may not be imported into new saves right.

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Tried again today, seems that on a fresh save I can import to around CAW No.9 before importing anymore will doom the save.

Also tried replacing other CAWs that were imported from the CAW Vault on the last days of the save working. Also replaced the CAW that I remember being a cause for corruption from a bad render. But no sights of the save working with all CAWs after replacing them. I do not have an internet connection with the 360 or any of the DLCS so I cannot download the DLC


I've finally rehashed and resigned all files (as I did when adding renders) using Le Fluffe as well but it appears 2K14 may still be doomed.


I've also provided a rar with my files incase someone can recognize what I've did wrong


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